Starting a Part 2 of the Afternoon post since the 1st one was so long. lol ;)
2:37pm BBT:
The HG's are making a slip n' slide. Ahhh...I love seeing HG's do this every season. So funny to watch. lol ;)
3:06pm BBT:
Still working on the slip n slide!
3:24pm BBT:
The slip n slide is now done..let the games begin! :D
First up is Britney...
Then Kristen...
And Andrew.
Meanwhile, inside the house...
3:35pm BBT:
Orange Bedroom
They're wrapped up in each other. Rachel called him his knight in shinning armor...
...and he said he's glad he met her inside the house because if he would have saw her in Vegas, he would have been too intimiated by her being so hot to approach her.
3:44pm BBT:
HOH Room
Hayden apologized for putting Annie up as the renom today, but that he had to do what he thinks is in his best interest.
Annie is pulling out all the stops to get Hayden to change his mind, because she knows if Hayden can change his mind, then he get others to change theirs as well. Annie said she gave up her job to be in the BB house, Monet won $10,000 and wasn't even nominated, she claims she hasn't lied, and that it would be weak of Hayden to win BB against weak players such as Britney.
**Remember, Hayden/Matt/Lane had the plan to calm Annie down to try to get as much info as possible from her before she leaves. This is just an attempt to do that. ;)
4:04pm BBT:
Most HG's are out in the backyard, relaxing, sun tanning, talking about non-game stuff.
4:06pm BBT:
Backyard Pool Table
Hayden told Lane about having a convo with Annie.
Hayden: "She said she felt like raging on Britney. I just talked to her to make her..feel better, ya know?"
Lane: "Yep."
Lane says he thinks Annie has alot of dirt on Brendon. (Next step, to get it out of her.)
4:52pm BBT:
Sunset Room
Annie is crying about leaving the house, Brendon is telling her to look forward to things she can't do in the house (like singing, cooking/eating whenever she wants, etc).
**REMINDER: Big Brother is on at 8pm EST! :D
Stay tuned...
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