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Friday, August 6, 2010

Afternoon in the BB House + Pandora's Box was OPENED!!

The morning was uneventful but this early afternoon is a whole different story!! The houseguests are still on inside lockdown and Matt is still locked out of his HOH room. Matt has been "guarded" all day by others, leaving Rachel/Brendon no chance to talk to Matt about nominations.

Currently on the live feeds...

1:30pm BBT:
Cabana Room

Instead of waiting to get alone time with Matt, Rachel just went and started to talk to Matt right in front of Ragan. Rachel was telling Ragan why she should stay in the house. Ragan got rude with Rachel, Rachel snipped back at him.

Rachel said that Matt/Ragan are "obviously a pair" and Ragan started to jump down Rachel's throat saying that they're not a pair.

Ragan: "Nobody in this house has EVER come up to me with a proposal for an alliance!"
Rachel: "This has NOTHING to do with you Ragan, just go! You're being overdramatic! If you don't wanna overhear this conversation, then go! I said sit here because you're a pair!"

Rachel starts to raise her voice.

Ragan said that their earlier convo together in the cabana room (when Rachel was bitching about how when she was HOH, that everyone was throwing everyone under the bus: 12:18pm BBT on the Flashback Feeds), that he (Ragan) told her that he never did that & how Rachel snapped at him and told him to "stop being so sensitive", but yet it's over for Rachel to always be sensitive and go off about things.

Ragan: "I've been nothing but compassionate!"
Rachel: "I've done nothing but FIGHT to be here, and there are people that just sit back and have NOTHING to worry about! And I've been in the corner this entire game! Since week 1, Ragan!!"

Ragan said that he has helped her throughout the game and he's been in her corner.

Matt: "It's true, he's always been in your corner."
Ragan: "And I have been in your corner!"

The whole time this convo is going on, all the HG's can hear it from the kitchen/dining room/hallway.

Fast forward a bit & Ragan is at the dining room table telling Britney/Lane/Enzo what happened. Rachel, who was in the Cabana Room talking to Matt, stormed out and told everyone that their fight was a disagreement between Rachel/Ragan.

After a minute of heated back & forth, both Ragan and Rachel apologized in front of everyone.

Rachel: "All game play aside, Ragan is my friend."

2:37pm BBT:
We got trivia on the feeds!! It's time for the Nomination Ceremony!!
(Before the feeds went to trivia, Matt told Brendon/Rachel in the Cabana Room during their talk that he's going to do what's best for HIM in the game and that he's fully aware of what the house wants. I highly doubt that Matt would go against Ragan & The Brigade, so I'm expecting to see Brendon/Rachel up on the block when the feeds return.)

2:58pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!
It was not Nomination Ceremony time...Pandora's Box was opened by Matt!!

Matt said he asked production if it'd be bad if he opened it and they said they couldn't tell him.

Matt leaves the backyard & Brendon asked Rachel "How much money do you think Matt got for opening it?"

Turn on the live feeds!! Paranoia and talk about Pandora's box is all over the house!!

3:08pm BBT:
Cabana Room

Talk is about Pandoras Box.

Ragan: "I'm scared now!! I'm scared that something bad is gonna happen!"

Apparently, Matt got a dollar card. (??) HG's are wondering if he got a certain amount of money and isn't telling them so that he doesn't have a target on his back.

Kathy, who was sleeping during the Ragan/Rachel fight, is being filled in on the details by Ragan.

Matt joins the Cabana Room crew after coming out of the Diary Room.

Hayden: "I'm excited! Like, even if it's bad, at least it'll be exciting!"

They're talking about last season when they had Pandoras Box. Every time Britney asks a good question about "them" (production) and what "they" told him, we get "We'll Be Right Back" on the feeds. lol :P

Speculation continues on.
Matt gives details about what happened in the HOH room.

Matt: "There was a briefcase that said something like 'You may discover great wealth', and it was on a pedestal stand. The card said HOH, so I opened the glass, then the briefcase, & it said "Congratulations, you won.." it was a dollar. It said beware of the consequences."

Ragan thinks it could be somebody coming back into the house, or the Coup d'état.

3:27pm BBT:
Ragan is saying that Rachel is in the Diary Room and he bets that America Voted on something and gave 'power' to Rachel because she's drama.

Britney: "But (America) voted for Jeff last year and he's not drama!"

Matt: "Nothing has happened yet. Maybe something will happen overnight??"

3:36pm BBT:
HOH Room

The 3 really think that Pandoras Box gave Rachel something. They're keeping a close eye on her on the HOH tv & tracking her every move. They think that Rachel got something from PB because she was called into the Diary Room right after Matt was.

Ragan: "Something's up!"

Matt: "Something might be up."

Britney goes downstairs to talk to Rachel to see if she's upbeat or anything, she's gonna feel her out & see if she's acting differently.

Britney comes back up and says that Rachel still looks unhappy.

Matt: "Okay, so that's one down."
Britney: "Yeah, she has a really bad poker face, so.."
Ragan: "If America voted to give something to somebody, that it would HAVE to be Hayden! It'd have to be!"

Hand check, Matt! :P

Matt said that Rachel told him that the house will gun for Matt & also Ragan because he's part of the "pair" (Matt/Ragan).

Ragan: "The only way I see one of us on the block together, is if one of 'them' wins!" (Bren/Rach)

3:50pm BBT:
Trivia on the feeds!!!

(Keep refreshing)

Stay tuned...

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