Good afternoon, everyone! :D Okay, while I was away nothing much happened in the BB house. But let me do a quick recap of what we did miss:
*Matt told Lane about his plan to not nominate Brendon or Rachel, but plans to backdoor one of them. Hayden is worried that both will get picked to play for the POV.
Matt: "Not gonna happen!"
*The Have Not's got Baby Food (including baby cereal, juice, baby chips, baby cookies & rice cereal)& Bok Choy for the week (plus slop, of course.)
Let's dive right on into the Afternoon post! :D
Currently on the live feeds...
2:19pm BBT:
Storage Room
Rachel & Kathy are getting produce from the Storage Room that BB just fully stocked for the week.
Enzo & Britney come in.
Enzo is loving the baby food!! lol He starts sampling more of it.
Britney: "Now when you go home & feed your daughter, you can tell her you know exactly what she's going through!"
Enzo: "Sh*t, I'm gonna be eating it right with her, yo!"
2:22pm BBT:
Kristen is finding a new way to cool off. :P
2:27pm BBT:
Britney & Rachel were cleaning out the kitchen fridge and they wanted to move the baby food outside to the backyard fridge or leave it out on the counters because it was taking up too much room inside the kitchen fridge.
Andrew got mad because that's all they get to eat. Brenden agreed with Andrew because they don't have nearly as much food as the Have's and they should make room for the baby food. Rachel wanted a compromise but Andrew got mad because he doesn't have that much food he can eat.
2:40pm BBT:
Rachel went into the Sunset Room to cry. Brendon followed her. They talked. All is well again.
2:47pm BBT:
Backyard Couch
The HG's are talking about when the Have Not's will end (Brit said around Week 4), and then they will have to start playing comps for food.
3:00pm BBT:
Kristen: "You guys smell that?'
Lane: "What?"
Kristen: "Smells like something that would be up in an attic."
Ragan is doing crunches poolside, as Kristen lathers up in suntan lotion.
3:02pm BBT:
Inside the house on Cam 1 & 2, Brendon/Rachel are still in the Sunset Room. Brendon is telling Rachel to not care about the people in the house.
3:25pm BBT:
Backyard Couch
All 4 feeds are on the backyard couch. Random chit-chat at the moment. Britney & Andrew are talking about movies and books.
3:29pm BBT:
Ragan & Hayden join in.
3:44pm BBT:
Storage Room
Brendon smoothed things over between him and Rachel (re: argument @ 2:27pm)
Stay tuned...
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