The HG's were woken up around 9:30am BBT, and they're all sluggish today. Enzo was the first one to get up.
Currently on the live feeds...
8:33am BBT:
Cabana Room
Enzo is awake and heads directly to the Cabana Room (which has been more of a napping room for the Have Not's during the day).
8:55am BBT:
Brendon joined Enzo in the Cabana Room.
They talked a little bit about the endurance comp today & Enzo feels like crap from eating the fishsticks all week.
Enzo: "They're full of fat..and they're so bad for you."
9:56am BBT:
HOH Room
Rachel says she's gonna watch people very closely from the sidelines during the HOH endurance comp to see who (if anyone) is throwing the comp. Brendon said he would not be surprised if Britney dropped quickly..then we get the "We'll Be Right Back" on the feeds, so I don't know why he thinks that. lol
Brendon said he used to run marathons and he knows there's a point where your body shuts down.
Brendon: "It sucks..its sooo hard."
Kathy is in the HOH room with them and joins in on the endurance comp talk.
Allison Grodner (producer for the show) came on the loud speaker...
Allison: "Good morning! I just have one more quick reminder for you guys..."
...then we get the "We'll Be Right Back" screen.
10:07am BBT:
Feeds are back.
Rachel: "I have faith in you" (to win HOH today).
Brendon: "Good! I love that you have faith in me."
Kathy heads downstairs.
Speaking of downstairs...
Andrew is doing the vacuuming this morning.
10:13am BBT:
Cabana Room
Kathy walked in and asked Monet if she's had any luck in getting more votes. Monet said she doesn't know, they'll find out tonight.
Kathy leaves.
Whispering between Brit/Monet start. They're talking about people in the house being "crazy".
10:20am BBT:
The HG's only have about 20 more minutes before HOH lockdown begins, so they're making their breakfasts and eating while they can.
Matt & Enzo are off-camera, but their mic audio is bleeding through.
10:24am BBT:
There's the boys! :) They're in the Have Not's Room.
Enzo said it'll be interesting to see who Andrew votes for.
Enzo: "(Me and Andrew) shook on it."
Matt: "So did I (with Andrew)."
Enzo: "He'll vote Monet out, I think."
Enzo leaves to go get some fishsticks.
10:45am BBT:
HOH Lockdown has started!
The HG's are sharing various funny stories to keep themselves occupied, while a few HG's are taking the time to nap.
12:05pm BBT:
Still HOH lockdown. They're talking about BB11, talking about how Natalie (BB11) is the most hated HG in BB history, talking about Annie, etc.
(Keep refreshing...)
Stay tuned...
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