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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Julie Chen Interviews Hayden/Lane/Enzo

Happy Saturday, everybody!! :D After a 2 day break (part of the BB detox program lol), I'm back and ready to post BB12 updates!! :D

First up, we got Julie Chen's interview with Hayden, Lane and Enzo:

Next, just a heads-up, the *NEW* blog URL (for BB13) is a little different. It is:

**Of course, you can always find me every BB season by simply typing in and it'll redirect ya to the newest blog. ;)

Okay, let's see what else can I show ya guys...hmmm...oh!! How about...

In case you guys & gals haven't seen any of the Backyard Interviews, here's a few for ya:

Here's Ragan's Backyard Interivew (3 mins & 45 seconds):

And last, but not least...

If you still have the live feeds, then check out what's coming up this month:

Tonight (Saturday Sept. 18th) is the Vegas Wrap Party, so as soon as I get some pics of the party, I'll be sure to post them!!!

That's it for now!! :D Keep checking back everyday for new posted info!

Stay tuned...
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thank you!!!

(**Sorry, I was barely awake in this pic. lol :P)

And so the time has come to say goodbye to yet another season of Big Brother and anxiously await for BB13 to return next summer. This season had some great moments: fights, secrets, lies, backstabbing, paranoia...everything that BB is made up of! I loved it!!

I want to thank each and every single one of you for joining me this season (returning 'addicts' and new 'addicts' alike) for Big Brother 12! I loved chatting with all of you in the chat room, reading all of your comments, and seeing all of you debate all season long. I loved every minute of it!! I also loved all the fan emails from you guys. The feeling of crying happy tears from some of your heartfelt letters was priceless to me & I will hold them all close to my heart. I tried to respond to each email, but if I didn't get the time to do so, please know that I did read yours & I appreciate all the love and support. You guys & gals are AMAZING!!!!

Also, a big thanks to the chat room moderator, "Sassypants", for holding down the fort in the chat room this summer! You did a fantastic job, sweetie!! Muahh!!

I'd also like to thank Drew, the "Big Brother Cynic" for all of his awesome articles this season! Drew, you are always welcome to come back and do more articles anytime! I thoroughly enjoyed your articles this season & all the humor you brought to the blog. Thank you!! :)

All of you guys & gals ARE the blog, each and every season, & I hope to see all of you return and join me for next season. :)

I know this year I had some moments where I seemed a little distant (besides the week when I had the flu lol), and the reason is because I left my husband a month before BB12 began & I relocated out of state (twice...once before the season and once during the season). Though I tried my best to push emotions aside, some days were more tough on me than others. But you guys and gals kept me in great spirits all season long and gave me the strength when I needed it to blog on those tough days. Thank you for that and thank you for bearing with me!!!!

Next season is gonna be a GREAT season & I hope all of you join me again next summer!! :D

I will continue to post videos of interviews and BB12 news/gossip for the next couple of weeks, then we'll be switching over to the new BB13 blog. You can easily find me ANY BB season by simply typing in!

To those of you who supported the blog by donations and/or live feed signups, thank you!! I wouldn't be here with all of you!!!!!!! You guys and gals keep this blog running year in and year out. :)

Thank you!!!


PS There's gonna be a TON of new updates in the upcoming weeks, so keep checking back!!! ;)

Stay tuned...

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CBS BB12 Videos

Happy post-finale Thursday, BB fans!! :D I know it's a little sad that BB12 is over, but since we got the news yesterday that Big Brother will return for yet another season next summer, I'm still floating on cloud 9! I can't wait to see what kind of season it's gonna be! Wanna apply for BB13? Go to to download the application and learn how to send in your audition tape!! Currently there are no open casting call audition dates set, but that will all change in the upcoming months. I'll be sure to keep y'all updated on that.

Before I get to the new BB12 videos, I wanted to share my interview with KFNS St. Louis Radio Station from yesterday afternoon. Click Here and scroll down to Segment 3. I told the radio DJ's that I thought Lane would take 2nd place no matter what, Hayden would win, and that Enzo would win if Lane won Part 3 of the Final HOH and took Enzo. I had a blast doing the interview!!

Okay, let's get to videos, videos, and more videos! lol ;)

First up, if you missed last night's finale, then go here to watch it!!

Next up, we have a clip of Hayden's Backyard Interview:

Hayden said he's "Pumped!" to have won BB12. (**Congrats, Hayden!!)

Then we have Enzo's Backyard Interivew Clip:

Enzo said that if he would have been in the Final 2 with Lane, he definitely would have won. (**I agree.) But he went on to say that Hayden is a great guy and he's truly happy for him.

Speaking of Lane, here's his Backyard Interview Clip:

Lane said that Britney is a cute girl and that there "might be a future" with her, if he can punch out her fiance at a bar. (*lol)

For more videos, go to CBS: Big Brother and scroll the Newest Videos on the left-hand side!

Many, many more updates to come in the next week!! Stay tuned, guys & gals!! :D

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Post-Finale: Backyard Interviews

WOW!!! What a finale!!!!! :D Congrats to Hayden for winning BB12, congrats to Lane for grabbing 2nd place, and a big congrats to Britney for winning America's Favorite!!

Let's get right to the Backyard Interviews w/ Missy, which are currently *LIVE* on the live feeds!! :D

First up, Kristen!!

(I missed her interview..I'll have to recap it later.)

Next up, Annie!

When asked by Missy, Annie said that she can't "talk about" if she had a choice or not in being the original sabatour or not. Missy said that she was surprised that Annie was 'Team Enzo'. Annie said she's done theatre all of her life and she's "taking a step in that direction" and she feels more positive after her BB experience. She also said she's moving to L.A.

Missy: "If you could pick one person in the house to hook up with, who would it be with?"
Annie: "Kristen!!"

(Remember, Annie is bisexual.)

Next up, Brendon!!!

Brendon said that he doesn't respect Hayden on a personal level, and that's why he voted for Lane. Brendon said that he didn't choose to have a showmance with Rachel, it "just happened". (**Then why did you try to hook up with Annie first? ...then Rachel when Annie denied you? lol Hmmm! ;) )

Brendon said he did the chum bath and shaved his head because he wanted to stay in the game so bad, and not take prizes..which would be "taking the easy way out". Brendon said he made it through the rest of the game (after Rachel was evicted) by fighting "really, really hard" to stay in the game.

Missy told Brendon that CBS interviewed his ex-fiance and she said that everything that Brendon told Rachel, were things that Brendon told her (the ex-fiance). Brendon said of course he said "I Love You", but not other things. He was surprised that his ex-fiance was on Team Rachel.

Next up, Monet!!

Monet said it was hard to watch the show because she was constantly analyzing the show and doing a lot of "what if's" played over in her head. She said it feels good to have fans and that the fans really get into BB every year and that's great! She was rooting for Britney or Ragan to win BB12, but then Lane after they were evicted. She wasn't surprised to see Hayden/Lane

Monet said she didn't expect Julie Chen's question about not liking Rachel (during the live show). (*LOL) She said she answered it honestly and that's how she really felt. Monet also said that she's had a lot of modeling gigs since the show. Monet also is thankful for the $10,000 she won while on the show & she's happy she didn't leave empty handed. She said she plans on saving the $10,000. not spending it.

Next up, Andrew!!

Andrew said the down-time in the house was the worst mentally & that's why he cleaned a lot. He said he returned back to work. He said he regrets doing the pillow prank during the saboteur's first mission of putting the padlock on the storage room door. He also said that everyone (friends, family, etc) call him "Captain Kosher" and he loves it!!

Next up...Kathy!!

Kathy said her eyelashes are REAL and that they just grow long..and she uses Clinique mascara. (*lol) She said she struggled with Matt's lie and that she cried a lot and "couldn't face him" for a while because he showed no remorse whatsoever...Matt played on her feelings and she has NOT forgiven him as of yet.

Kathy said she was "really sick" during the caramel comp but that she DID throw the rest of the comps because she didn't want a target on her back. She wanted the HG's to think she was a weak player. She also plans to go back to work ASAP.

Kathy said she was "shocked" that Ragan was the 2nd sab. Missy told her that Enzo thought the "S." on the "I Know Your Secret" letter that Ragan planted under Enzo's pillow, stood for "Sheriff". Kathy laughed hysterically at that. (*lol)

Kathy said that she's embarrassed to be a smoker, after battling cancer. She said it was something that she felt guilty about the whole time and it's a hard habit to break.

As Missy waits for Britney, they show a shot at the backyard:

Next up, Britney!!

Britney said she's SO HAPPY that she's America's Favorite. (**They still haven't told her about her house being burned down.) She said even if she wasn't engaged, she wouldn't have been romantically involved with Lane. Britney said she hasn't seen or talked to Nick yet. Missy said that Britney's DR sessions are hilarious. Britney said she never planned on being funny, it just happened that way..she used the D.R. sessions as therapy. Britney thinks the HG's won't "appreciate" all the trash talking she did on the HG's but that it is what it is & she's sure they did the same thing.

Britney said she has forgiven The Brigade for getting her out of the house. Brit said she would never throw away her friendship with the boys over the game. Brit then talked about their "Just a Tip" show and that she's gonna miss doing it. Britney wants to do a Finale version of "Just a Tip". Brit said her biggest regret was not winning the last POV or HOH comp.

Brit said she liked All Stars the best and that she's not sure right now if she would do All Stars since she just BARELY got out of the house.

Next up, Matt!!

Matt said he doesn't feel bad for the lie about his wife, but that he hurt others with the lie.

Matt: "Nobody is getting diseases because I lied about it! Those of you applying for BB next year, make up your own lie!"

Matt said that Kathy is being civil but doesn't think he'll hear from her after the show. He also said that Ragan has forgave him (Matt) for everything, but has not forgot about the lies. He said that he talked to his wife about his cuddling with Ragan already. lol Matt said he would have taken Enzo to Final 2, and the Brigade to Final 4. When asked, Matt said getting the DPOV was kind of a curse for him. He said he evicted Kathy over any of the Brigade members because he didn't know HOW much they really wanted him (Matt) out, but knowing what he knows now, he would have used it on one of the Brigade members.

(**Matt is being very cocky..saying he was the "King" of the Brigade, he would have won the DPOV even if he had to compete for it, etc etc.)

Matt said he put his hand down his pants all the time because it was the most comfortable place to put his hand..instead of pockets and since there's no "pockets" by the waistband, he "made his own pocket". (*lol)

Matt said he wants to get back to work as soon as possible. Matt said he only told Ragan & Britney that he was on the reality show "Average Joe". He goes on to say that he regrets throwing the last HOH comp.

Missy told Matt that his wife often called into the live feed shows and that her and Chelsia are close friends. Matt is SHOCKED at that but thinks it's super cool. Matt still claims that he (Matt) masterminded the Bradgade, not Enzo. Missy disagrees because America saw Enzo make the Bragade. (*lol) Matt said Enzo was a PART of it, but not the mastermind behind it and he wants to go back and rewatch it to prove it to people.

Next up, Ragan!!

Ragan said that him and Matt are best friends and will remain friends for life.

**I really gotta sign off for the night, guys. It's almost 1am where I am and I'm running on empty. :/ I will be posting TONS of info, gossip, videos, and everything else BB12 related over the next week or so...keep checking back!! :D Until then, enjoy the live feeds!

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BB12: Finale Night

Here it is, BB addicts!! It's Finale Night!!!!! :D The live finale show starts at 9pm EST/8pm Central time.

WARNING: I *will* be posting up to the minute spoilers tonight!!

The Chat Room will open up at 8:30pm EST. (I'll post the chat room link here at 8:30pm EST).

*Enter the Chat Room*

**West Coasters: To watch the East Coast showing, Click Here!!

Tonight, we will see Hayden/Lane battle it out in Part 3 of the Final HOH. Whoever wins Part 3, will get to decide who they wanna take to the Final 2. Then they will get asked questions by the Jury ("Why you deserve the $500,000?", etc.), then live voting, and then it'll be time to crown the winner Big Brother 12!! :D

Go grab your snacks, grab a drink, and meet me back here at 8:30pm EST to get the party started!!!!

9:00pm EST:
The show has started!!!

Winner of Part 3 Final HOH is:


Evicted from the BB House is:


**Annie said there were NO LIFELONG FRIENDS!!! It was a saboteur lie.

Jury Votes:
* Rachel voted for...Lane
* Kathy voted for...Hayden
* Matt voted for...Hayden
* Brendon voted for...Lane
* Ragan voted for...Hayden
* Britney voted for...Lane
* Enzo voted for...Hayden

Winner of Big Brother Season 12 is:


Winner of America's Vote is:


(Congrats, girl!!)

Stay tuned for *LIVE* Backyard Interviews on the Live Feeds!!! :D

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Update on Brit/Nick's House Fire

As I posted earlier, Britney & Nick's rental home caught fire early this morning around 1:30am. Nick gave Jokers an update on the situation, here it is:

From Britney's fiance, Nick:

The fire started at around 1:30 am CST and I awoke at around 2 am to the crackling sound (which I thought was hail). I went back to bed for a few minutes and heard a window break. At this time, I knew something was wrong. I walked in the hallway and saw the flames and smoke coming from the bathroom window. I then ran and grabbed my bags that I had packed for today's trip to LA and headed outside. Both dogs were still inside at the time. I found Molly (Brit's dog) first and through her in the front yard. There were several people outside at the time yelling at me to not go back inside. I then went back in to find Porter and at this time, the dark smoke was about head high. After about 3 minutes of searching with a flashlight, I found Porter hid in a corner behind a chair. We all made it out okay fortunately.

After about an hours worth of extinguishing, everything was under control and the damage was done. I was then allowed to go inside to check out the damage. The screened in porch on the back of the house was completely gone, one of the back bedrooms was completely black with fire and smoke damage, and the bathroom and other bedroom were damaged pretty badly as well. The entire attic was on fire as well. With it being an old house, it was not very "fire friendly".

I then spent the next 4 hours with my parents and my best friends getting our belongings that were salvageable out of the house. Most everything was drenched in water. Britney's dad and step-mom also made the 3 hour drive down to help with this tragedy which was very thoughtful. After a final inspection, I'd say that about 50% of our belongings were lost.

I now know that belongings that may have been lost are no where near as important as a life or the life of a pet. Things can be replaced, lives cannot. I was told multiple times that I was very lucky to make it out okay since the fire was so strong and that I was alseep at the time. Also, the smoke detector did not ever go off. Good thing I changed the batteries in that thing a couple weeks back, eh?

I am still planning on flying out to LA today at Noon. I will be low on energy and emotionally drained, but it something I cannot miss. I have the support of Britney's parents and my family to go on and that things will be taken care of when I return. We are blessed to have such supportive friends and famiily.

Please just continue to keep us in your prayers. Things happen for a reason and I know that only good will come out of this mess. I am going to do my best to go enjoy my time in LA and San Diego with my Brit now!

Thanks again all.


Source: Jokers

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Big Brother 13: Summer of 2011-OFFICIAL

HOT OFF THE PRESS!!! of the CBS Press Express, Big Brother 13 will be airing next summer, 2011!!!

w00t w00t!! Heck yea!! Happy Dance!!!!! Woo hoooooo!!!!!

(Can ya tell I'm excited?!! ;) lol)

And yes I WILL BE BACK next season to blog BB13!!

Okay, so here's the press release:
"BIG BROTHER, the perennial summer reality hit, will return for its 13th edition next summer on the CBS Television Network.

This summer's 12th edition of BIG BROTHER is posting year-to-year increases, up +5% in viewers (7.64m vs. 7.26m), +4% in adults 18-49 (2.7/09 vs. 2.6/08), +10% in adults 18-34 (2.3/08 vs. 2.1/07) and +3% in adults 25-54 (3.2/09 vs. 3.1/09)."

Thank you to the ratings for bringing BB back for yet another great season!!! :D

BB fans, rejoice!!!

**Also, a big thank you to KFNS in St. Louis for doing a radio interview with me this afternoon! I had a great time!!! :D

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Tonight is the BB12 Finale

Happy Wednesday and Happy Finale Day to all you lil BB addicts out there!!! :D We finally made it! w00t w00t!!!!!

Tonight, BB12 will come to an official end, with hopes of another BB season starting up again next summer. (We will know for sure soon if there's gonna be a BB13. They usually announce it either way at the wrap party. Of course, I will keep y'all updated!!)

So today is the day that either Enzo, Lane, or Hayden will win $500,000 (or $50,000 for 2nd place)!!

We'll see Hayden & Lane go head-to-head tonight in Part 3 of the Final HOH. The winner will then get to pick which one of the boys they want sitting next to them in the Final 2. While we don't know for sure who Lane or Hayden would take for the Final 2, it seems like Hayden would take Lane to F2, and it's very possible that Lane would take Enzo to the F2. Will that happen?? Who knows!! Depends on how the boys have been playing out the votes in their own heads and what they're truly thinking.

Tonight's Big Brother 12 Finale is at 9:00pm EST & lasts for 2 hours. I will have the chat room open starting at 8:30pm EST tonight. (I'll post the chat room link when I open it later on.)

West Coasters, don't you worry...I will have you covered! ;)

See ya then!!! :D

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Britney & Nick's Home Burned Down This Morning :(

Today's postings are starting off on a sad note: Britney & Nick's house in Arkansas home burned down last night. :( BB is *NOT* telling Britney about her house catching on fire until after tonight's finale. Here are the details:

"Laura Grisham said her son, Nick Grisham, was awakened by the blaze at the home on the corner of Van Buren Street and Lee Avenue. Nick Grisham, who made it out without injury, is the fiance of Britney Haynes, the 23-year-old woman eliminated from winning the reality competition in last week's episode. She is slated to vote for the show's winner in tonight's finale.

Laura Grisham said the couple picked out the rental home and that her son in July helped move Haynes' belongings into the residence after she left to appear on "Big Brother," where she is sequestered from the outside world.

Nick Grisham called the producers to let them know about the fire, Laura Grisham said.

"He told them what happened and they agreed they wouldn't say anything to Britney," Laura Grisham said. "She can't do anything. The final show is tonight and it's live. There's no sense in her knowing."

Nick Grisham went back inside to rescue the couple's two dogs and family members have been able to salvage some possessions, Laura Grisham said. She said her son will fly to Los Angeles later Wednesday to meet Haynes after the show.

He's concerned about how Haynes will react to the news, Laura Grisham said.

"He hasn't seen her in three months and he's afraid she's going to be mad," Laura Grisham said. "I said 'you don't understand son, you are lucky to be alive, especially after going back in two more times to get the dogs out.'"

The blaze was started by a small grill in the backyard that ignited the grass, spreading to a trash can and then the house, investigators said. Laura Grisham said her son was grilling and that the fire started despite his dousing the coals in water.

The house was fully involved when crews arrived about 1:30 a.m., said Little Rock Fire Department Capt. Randy Hickmon. It took about an hour-and-a-half to get the fire under control.

The single-story, blue structure is still standing with a large burned area at its rear, where the windows are boarded up and a tarp covers part of the roof and an adjacent wall. Burn and heat marks are visible on other parts of the structure.

Preliminary total damage is estimated at $50,000."


Well, since Britney looks like she's gonna be the clear winner of the $25,000 America's Favorite Player this season, that money will at least help her and Nick get back on their feet.

I'm glad that everyone, including the dogs, are okay & my thoughts & prayers go out to Britney & Nick. :(

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Waiting for the Finale...(UPDATED)

UPDATED @ 4:54pm BBT:
The feeds are NOT yet offline!! They came back on at almost 3pm BBT. Nice fake out, BB! ;) lol

Good afternoon to all you BB addicts out there!! Well, it looks like the BB12 season is now ovahhh!!..well, at least as far as seeing the fabo 4 on the feeds anyways. But don't forget, there will be TONS to still see on the live feeds after the finale!! The backyard interviews is my favorite post-season things to watch & you can watch them live!!

At 2:15pm BBT, the feeds switched from showing sleeping houseguests, to showing this message:

We have just 1 more day until we find out the answer to that question!! So, who are you rooting for to win the $500,000? Who would you like to see in the Final 2 sitting next to each other? Post your thoughts in the comment section below! :D

Stay tuned...

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The Overnighter

Happy Tuesday, y'all!! Tomorrow..yes, finaaalllyyy finale night!!!! w00t w00t! :D BB12 will come to a close tomorrow night. Don't forget, tomorrow's finale is on at 9pm EST, instead of their normal 8pm EST time slot.

Nothing happened last night in the BB house...same old, same old. Enzo said he hopes wifey and their baby daughter made it to California safely for the finale. The boys all miss their family like crazy and can't wait to see them soon.

There was 1 thing that I missed in the Overnighter on Monday morning that's kinda interesting, so I'm gonna post it in today's Overnighter instead.

Sunday Sept. 12th @ 8:44pm Cam 1:
Lane/Hayden/Enzo were on the backyard couch talking about the wrap party. Lane asked Enzo to go inside with him to help him dye his beard again, so the boys went inside in the house, leaving Hayden outside to himself.

Hayden then starts talking to himself.

Hayden: "I shouldn't have said that. Ughh those clowns. Ahh crap. Only way into the final 2 is to win. You got Lane all jacked up in there. Did all that work on him (Lane) and now you guys (DR) got him all jacked up. That's bull."

Hayden sat there in silence, thinking.

So it looks like production is telling Lane that it'd be better to take Enzo, and Hayden is scared (rightfully so) that if Lane wins Part 3 of the Final HOH comp, then Lane will take Enzo over Hayden...which would be smart on Lane's part.

Okay, since today is the last day full day in the BB house, I will post an update later on (if the boys don't decide to sleep all day, that is. lol) :P

Stay tuned...

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Monday, September 13, 2010

A look at the Final 3 in the BB House

Good afternoon/evening, BB addicts!! The BB house has been very chill all day long, with lots of sleeping going on. :P

11:55am BBT:
Lane took a shower I even need to say what he did while in the shower anymore? lol

Noon'ish BBT:
Enzo & Lane cleaned the house a little bit.

12:40pm BBT:
Lane and Enzo went back to bed. lol

4:38pm BBT:


*Enzo is on the couch, awake and talking to Lane & Hayden.
*Lane & Hayden are tossing the nerf football back & forth.

4:49pm BBT:
Backyard Couch

Hayden & Lane joined Enzo on the BY couch. They talked about how they'll be able to meet production, even though they (production) have been seeing them for 3 months now.

4:59pm BBT:
Hayden gets up and folds the towels.

(**Nothin' sexier than seeing a man doing laundry!! *swwooonn*)

Enzo/Lane are still on the BY couch talking. Enzo was teasing saying that Kristen is probably stalking the jury house (for Hayden), in her hippie unitard and all.

Lane: (laughing) "Still wearing the hippietard?"
Enzo: "Yo, it'd be funny as hell if she showed up on finale night wearing that thing!"

5:05pm BBT:
The boys are talking going to Vegas after BB12 is over.

Lane: (to Enzo) "How much money you bringing to Vegas to gamble with?"
Enzo: "$50."
Lane: "$50 bucks??!" (starts laughing)
Enzo: "I'll bring $200...put it on one hand..and if I lose, I'm gonna go f**kin' CRAZY!" (*lol)

Enzo starts talking about how he wants to be movies.

Enzo: "I wanna be in a low-budge movie. Like, a movie that doesn't even make it to DVD."
Lane: "Why??"
Enzo: "Gotta start somewhere! I want it to be a really low-budget movie...with nobodies in it."
Lane: "It'll be so low-budget, they might run out of money during it."
Enzo: "I want it to be so low-budget that in the middle of making it, they run out of money and say 'It's a wrap!' and then you have to make up the ending in your own head!" (*LOL!!)

The boys are having some good convos. If you have the feeds, turn'em on. It's rather entertaining at the moment. :)

Stay tuned...

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The Overnighter

Good afternoon, BB fans!! It's Monday and that means we are just a couple days away from the BB12 Finale!! w00t w00t!!! :D

Posting from now and until finale night is gonna be here & there. The Final 3 boys are bored (which means they're boring as sin to watch lol), they've been doing a lot of sleeping, and talking about the same topics they've been covering over & over again (missing their family, what they'll do once they'll get out of the house, Steamboat, etc.) It's beyond repetitive at this point and very mind numbing to watch/listen to. lol :P

The Overnighter:
Hayden & Enzo did a little jury vote counting..who would vote for who and why, with Enzo telling Hayden that he (Hay) would no doubt win sitting next to Enzo in the Final 2. This was Enzo's 2nd time pitching his "I'm better to take to the Final 2" theory. Hayden said he has been thinking about (since their 1st convo a couple of days ago). Enzo continued his pitch for about a half an hour. (12:30am BBT-1am BBT on the Flashback Feeds). So did Enzo's talks with Hayden work? Well, we'll have to wait and see on Wednesday night (if Hayden wins the Final HOH)!!

That's the only game talk from last night.

I will post here & there today, but I'm not gonna be tied down to the computer all day like I usually am. See ya this afternoon with a few postings! :D Enjoy your Monday, guys!!

Stay tuned...

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Night's Episode (Updated)

Good afternoon, y'all!! Well, I was gonna post here & there today about what's happening on the live feeds, but the boys are having one heck of a lazy day and they're not even out of bed yet. lol So...I decided to just do the Sunday Nights Episode post instead. :P

Tonight's show is a recap/highlights of "never before seen footage", the tv only viewers will it be "never before seen footage". Us live feeders have seen everything they're gonna show tonight. We will also get to see the Final 3 Dinner that they boys had. (They'll talk about moments during the season and then BB show a clip, etc.)

It'll still be a fun show to watch, though! We'll get to see some of the best/funniest moments of the BB12 season and things that never made other episodes.

Join me back here on the blog at 7pm EST when I open up the chat room! West Coasters, I will have ya covered. ;)

See ya then!!!

Updated @ 9:53pm EST:
Okay..I think the only "never before seen footage" was Kristen eating the spider. lol Other than that, it was all things we've seen this season (most, if not all, was already shown on previous BB episodes). Still was a fun recap show. :)

Well guys, that's the last non-live BB episode of the season!! Can ya believe it? BB12 is just about ovahhhhh!!! ;) What a season it has been!!

I will be back tomorrow (not sure if I'm doing an Overnighter or not, nothing has been happening on the feeds lately.) But either way, I'll be back tomorrow and do some screencaps and give some cliffnotes on what's going on. Until then, g'dnight! :D

Current look at the feeds:

The boys are at the dining room table playing cards. :)

Stay tuned...

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The Overnighter

Good morning, guys & dolls!! Happy Sunday!! :D Last night, nothing happened in the BB house so there's not gonna be an Overnighter (for the 1st time this season). All the talks the boys had last night, I've covered a million times already: talk of the wrap party, missing family & friends, what job opportunities might be available for all of them after BB12 is over, etc etc.

Also, Lane had more solo-fun in the shower (again) last night. (**Does he not know that camera's can see him and his "Oh!" face during his 'alone time'? lol :P)

Tonight's BB episode is a "Never Before Seen Footage" episode, but that's only if you haven't been watching the live feeds all season. Either way, it'll still be a fun recap show to watch. :) Then on Wednesday, we will finally have the BB12 Finale!!! Wooo Hooo!!! :D

I'll make a few posts here and there on the blog today, and I will cover any/all game talk as well!! Enzo has been working on both Lane and Hayden, telling them both (seperatley) that they need to take him to the Final 2 because the jury won't give him the $500,000 because he's been such a weak competitor all season and only has 1 POV under his belt to claim. Hayden doesn't seem interested in taking Enzo to the Final 2, but Lane does!..or at least it appeared that way.

I'll start posting here & there once the boys wake up! :)

Stay tuned...

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