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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Evening in the BB House

Whatta day and night on the live feeds!!! Okay, so Ragan won POV and his 'thunder has been stolen' (so to speak) by RACHEL, of all people!! Yes, you read that right..Rachel is back in the house, but only for the next 24 hours. So turn on the live feeds and enjoy the show!! ;) Rachel plans on making life a living hell for certain HG's before her departure, especially Ragan's.

Brendon is still M.I.A. The HG's think that BB snagged him up for the next 24 hours while Rachel is in the house and that was his consequence for opening up Pandora's Box this afternoon.

Let's dive into the Evening post! :D

Currently on the live feeds...

6:10pm BBT:
HOH Room

Kathy told Rachel how she overheard Matt/Ragan talk bad about her (Kathy) for 20 minutes the other night and how hurt she was over it. They talked about her eyelashes, her age, etc etc.

Rachel: "Well I'm in this house for the next 24 hours, and I plan on making their lives miserable!!" (laughs)

Rachel is going downstairs to make cookies and tease Ragan with them. (*LOL)

6:19pm BBT:

Rachel and Ragan are fighting..hardcore!! lol (**Gawd, I love this drama!!! :D)

Ragan: "You are WITCH, FAKE, and the only thing real about your are the pimples on your chin!!"
Rachel: "You're a GAY GUY that's not even good at being gay!!!"
Ragan: "You are VILE and DISGUSTING woman, Rachel!!"

Turn on the feeds!! This is too good to miss!!

Ragan is mock-laughing at Rachel every single time she laughs.

Ragan: "You're days of bullying me are OVER!!! I'm done with it, BABY!!!!"

Both of them are screaming/yelling at each other.

Ragan: "You have a parrot face with big ugly zits on your chin!!"

WOOOWWWW!!!! Ragan just went off on Rachel HARDCORE!!!!!!!!! Ragan told Rachel everything that he's ever wanted to tell her...she's ugly, she's disgusting, and she's the "something bad unleashed in the house" from Brendon opening up Pandora's Box.

Ragan goes inside.
Rachel stands still. Alone.

(Use the Flashback Feeds and start at 6:20pm BBT to watch this fight, wayyyy too much to transcribe!!)

6:29pm BBT:

Rachel went inside and told them that Ragan was personally attacking her and that what he said was out of line.

Rachel: "He said I look like a parrot, that I'm ugly, that I have zits..I mean, everyone has zits!"

Enzo calmed her down and Rachel said she's looking forward to playing in the pool tournament tonight with them.

Ragan is in the Have Not's room alone.

Back in the kitchen...

Britney told the boys about the fight and what was said.

Britney thinks that Rachel saying stuff about him being gay is what set Ragan off.

**Turn on the feeds, it's gonna be an interesting night, boys & girls!!

6:45pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

Everyone is talking to Ragan, making sure he's okay. Lane told Ragan that he was not in the wrong for saying what he said to her. Ragan said she (Rach) brought it upon herself.

Enzo enters.

Enzo: "You f**kin' ripped her a new a**hole, man! Holy sh*t, bro!!"
Ragan: "Once the gay thing got mentioned, the gloves came off."

(Rachel is in the Diary Room. The HG's think maybe she's asking to leave early.)

6:58pm BBT:
All HG's (minus Rachel, who's still in the D.R.)

The HG's are cooking and/or eating.

Kathy compared Rachel to a female version of Evel Dick.

7:08pm BBT:
Sunset Room

The two are hashing their problems out. Ragan said that they both love attention, and that he loved to get attention in his 20's but he's calm now.

Ragan: "There's a difference between good attention and bad attention, and I think you are going to come to a fork in the road, and you may not see it now because we both love this game and we both love this show. You may not have been genuinely aware of (your need of attention)."

Ragan: "I say this with all sincerity..the person that I hung out with (Rach) in this game, (I loved). And then you morphed."

They hug it out...
...then talk some more.

Ragan: "Let's make this a FUN 24 hours!!"

7:36pm BBT:
Sunset Room

The girls are talking and being super friendly with each other. Britney said that she honestly said nice things in her goodbye message but that BB must have edited out things that could sound bad and piece it together.

The chit chat is light and fun, Britney is working hard on that jury vote. lol :P

**Okay boys & girls, I'm outty for the night!! The night is just begining for the HG's, though! They normally don't go to bed until 4am BBT, so enjoy watching Rachel one last time on the live feeds!!! See y'all in the morning!!

Stay tuned...

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Afternoon in the BB House + Rachel is back!!

Okay, so if you haven't yet read, Ragan won the POV today. Even if Brendon puts up Matt, Matt is safe because he would just use the Diamond Power of Veto on himself. Then Matt would replace himself with most likely Britney (since the only other choices are Brigade members and Kathy, but they want to take Kathy to Final 5 or 6.) So it looks like Britney might be going home this week. We'll see how this week plays out after the Veto Ceremony on Monday when Ragan takes himself off the block!

Since Ragan won the POV, he is now safe from eviction and that means he just won $20,000 for completing 2 weeks of being the new saboteur.

Currently on the live feeds...

2:17pm BBT:
Bubbles on the feeds...

2:55pm BBT:
Still bubbles...

OMG!!!!! RACHEL IS BACK IN THE HOUSE!!! hahahahaha!!! (Don't worry, it's not permanent!)

She's fighting with Ragan!! TURN ON THE FEEDS!!! She's gonna be in the house for 24 hours!!!

Britney is PISSED!!! hahaha

Ragan and Rachel are fighting!!!

Rachel said she's gonna make Ragan's life a living hell for the next 24 hours. (**OMG this is gonna be fun to watch!! LOL :D)

Apparently Rachel said "I'm back, bitches!" as she came back into the house. (Ragan said she was giving mean looks to everyone and took 2 steps back when Kathy went to hug her. Rachel denied doing any of that though.)

Rachel said she's in the house for 24 hours to ask questions and get information.

Enzo, Matt and Hayden are asking her about the Jury House.

Rachel: "The house is amazing! There's a fountain..a rock fountain, and a spa..."

Rachel was brought back from Pandoras Box. They think Brendon is locked in the HOH room for the next 24 hours.

Kathy: "You think if we knock he'll be able to hear us??"
Britney: "He's probably in a box or something! He's been missing for 2 hours now!"

Rachel is sad and surprised because she thought she'd be able to see Brendon. lol

Turn on the live feeds, guys! WAYYY too much convo going on to transcribe!!

Rachel is asking why she got evicted 6-0 vote, what was the HOH comp, etc.
Britney is telling Rachel about they had to climb under and over ropes during the HOH comp.

Rachel is calling Britney out on her nasty goodbye message, Britney is denying saying anything nasty and saying that BB must of wayyyy edited it and it got taken out of context.

3:23pm BBT:
HOH Room
All HG's

Everyone went up to the HOH room to look for Brendon.

Nobody knows where Brendon is and/or how long he'll be gone.

Rachel sits down and says that she wants to ask everyone individual questions and then bubbles...

3:39pm BBT:
Feeds still on bubbles...(Rach is probably saying stuff that BB doesn't want us to hear until either Sunday or Tuesday's show.)

Feeds are back!!
All the HG's decide to go check outside to try to find Brendon:

No sign of him and no clues. Brendon has been kidnapped!! lol

3:46pm BBT:
As Rachel and Enzo were walking through the house, Rachel asked to talk to him and he said sure.

3:47pm BBT:
HOH Room

Enzo told Rachel that Ragan/Lane are on the block but now that Ragan won POV, he has no idea who Brendon will renom. Rachel thinks Britney or possibly Matt.

Enzo said that him/Hayden/Brendon are working together in the house now.

Rachel: "I don't wanna see you or Brendon in the jury house!"

**They're talking at the speed at light! Hard to keep up! lol

Rachel said that she was shocked at the 6-0 vote to evict her.

Down in the cabana room...

4:03pm BBT:
Cabana Room

Ragan said when Rachel took 2 steps back from hugging Kathy, that's was it for him. Lane told Ragan what she said about the Jury House, it's in "the hills" somewhere and it's really nice, but no workout room..just a treadmill. (It also has a pool and hot tub).

Matt thinks that Brendon/Rachel switched places for a day...Brendon at Jury House and Rachel in the BB house.

Matt thinks that maybe Brendon saw a picture of Rachel and opened up Pandora's Box and then (basically) got kidnapped by BB. lol

Back upstairs...

4:10pm BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel is pissed that Ragan won the POV. Enzo said that Ragan did really good at the POV comp and he "did his thing" and won.

Rachel is warning Enzo to not trust Hayden, but to trust Brendon. (**Note: Enzo is kissing ass HARDCORE! Surprised his nose isn't brown yet. ;) )

Rachel is talking about her goodbye messages and how good everyone looked on camera. Enzo is super happy to hear that.

Enzo: "NICE!! NIIIICE!!! The meow MEOW!!!"

Enzo is laughing at how Rachel asked Ragan "Why are you such a bitch? Because you're gay?" a little bit after she entered the house.

Talk turns to getting out Britney and Ragan, Enzo said he sees who he needs to go.

**My head is spinning! There's convo's on every feed!

4:46pm BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel is talking with Matt now. Rachel is asking why he wanted to get rid of her sooo badly.

Rachel: "I wanted to get you on our side! You and I are the ONLY PEOPLE that were (fighting/playing the game)."

Stay tuned...

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Morning/Afternoon Post + POV Comp Results

At 8am BBT, BB woke up the HG's (while I was doing the Overnighter). Today, the HG's will have an early POV Comp, according what the houseguests were saying last night.

Let's see what happens today on the live feeds!!! :D

Nothing really happened in the house until around 9:45am BBT.

9:45am BBT:
HOH Room

Kathy said that "they" are gunning for her and Brendon and unless they do something about it, they're gonna be the next 2 out of the door. Kathy said that something is going on because "they" are not nervous, only Ragan.

She goes on to say that if Matt/Ragan/Britney win HOH, then Brendon will most likely be evicted next week. Kathy said that she will fight for the POV today.

10:25am BBT:
HOH Room

Brendon told Britney that he's not trying to backdoor anyone. Brendon said that when Britney told him yesterday (pre-noms) that she's a fighter and deserves to be there, that he agreed with her and that's why she's not on the block.

Britney told Brendon that she told Lane pre-POV comp players that if he had a choice, to pick Hayden over her because she thinks the comp might be physical and Hayden would do better and pull him off the block like she would have.

10:43am BBT:
Trivia on the feeds! Time for the POV Comp!!! As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the spoiler.

Winner of the POV is:


**Sorry guys, I had to run some errands and they took wayyy longer than expected! What can I say, shit happens. :/

Cliffnotes of Aftermath:
*Shortly after the feeds came back, Ragan/Britney started Brendon bashing again. (**What happened to being so humble, Ragan?)
*Matt/Ragan talked in the HOH room. Matt said that Brendon is "gone" next week.
*Ragan asked Matt if he had enough votes this week to stay if Brendon put him up, Matt said yes.

Stay tuned...
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The Overnighter

Good morning, BB addicts & Happy Saturday to y'all! The weekend is here w00t w00t!! Last night, the HG's picked players for the POV comp and everyone except for Matt and Britney were picked. (Britney is hosting, though.) Lane got HG choice and picked Hayden over Britney, leading Ragan to wonder why.

The HG's also got another saboteur message yesterday, but at this point, they don't even care about the whole saboteur thing. lol Everything that the sab has said has been a lie (lifelong friends, Annie claiming she "escaped the block" when she didn't, saying that Brendon was throwing comps when he wasn't, and last week's message saying that there was a chance that Brendon & Rachel would stay in the house & yet, Rachel got evicted).

Okie dokie, let me go gather up the Overnighter and I'll start posting in sections! :D

**NOTE: The Diamond Veto cannot be used on the current HOH. (Been getting a ton of comments in the comment section asking about that.) Also, the D.V. can only be used on eviction night, from what I've read.

9:39pm BBT:
HOH Room

**Before Britney came in, Hayden said that Matt is freaking him out because he's been studying with Ragan.

Enter Britney.

Britney: "So I went down to the Have Not's room, and they (Matt/Ragan) are freaking out because you (Lane) didn't pick me."
Lane: "Everyone is freakin' out about that."
Britney: "They were like 'What, is he in an alliance with Hayden?' And I told them that I told you (Lane) that you'd be better off picking Lane anyways because it's going to be at least partly physical (the veto comp) and Hayden knows as much as I do about the mental stuff!"

Matt comes in and says Kathy/Ragan are wondering why Britney wasn't picked by Lane, but Ragan isn't totally freaking out surprisingly.

Britney, who was just saying that Matt thinks Hayden/Lane have an alliance (the same one he's in lol :P ), started to downplay what she said once Matt entered.

Britney said that BB made them pick for POV players because BB needs to personalize the POV Comp with the names of the players.

10:00pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

Ragan was talking to himself about best case/worst case scenarios.

*Best Case #1: Matt wins POV and saves Ragan, Britney goes up, "they" save Brit.
*Best Case #2: Ragan wins POV, Matt goes up, "they" save Matt.

Ragan thinks there's a good chance that Matt will be the renom (depending on the POV results) and then Matt will get evicted. He got upset (sad) at the thought of Matt leaving the game.

Ragan: "It's just Big Brother. One experience in your life. They (BB) do not take you out back and execute you when you get evicted."

11:30pm BBT:
Cabana Room

Kathy was bitching about BB not giving her fish food to feed the house fishies and she's scared they're going to die because they're starting to get aggressive. Britney goes into a rant about BB using "green" products but they waste money by always having the lights on.

Britney: "Why we have to use Tom's products, but you (BB) spend like a TRILLION dollars a day on electricity!!!" (feeds go to bubbles immediately. lol)

Meanwhile, upstairs...

11:30pm BBT:
HOH Room

The boys talked about how Brendon is their "side alliance" and that they won't put Brendon up because they'll lose 2 jury votes, they need to let "them" put up Brendon and get him out.

Enzo: "Just like how Matty won't put up Ragan, we won't put up Brendon."

Enzo said that Matt DEFINITELY got "something" for opening up Pandora's Box, he thinks maybe $10,000.

Enzo continues about Brendon: they both agree to not ever put up Brendon and keep their side alliance with him.

Enzo: "If "they" (Matt/Ragan/Kathy/etc) win HOH and wanna put him up, do it! I don't care! But we're not doing it. They can go after our side alliance, and we'll go after theirs."

11:56pm BBT:
Sunset Room

Hayden: "Next week, who goes up against Brendon?"
Britney: "Kathy."
Hayden: "What if Brendon wins POV? Who will be the renom?"
Britney: "Probably Matt. Between you and me Hayden, if Matt goes up against anybody, I'm gonna vote Matt out! He's super sneaky."

Hayden said that the only way Lane is coming off the block this week, is it he (Hayden) or Lane win POV and take him off.

12:24am BBT:
Palm Bedroom

Lane asked Britney if she's mad that he picked Hayden over her (to play in the POV Comp today) and Britney said no. Britney asked what he thinks Brendon would do if Ragan won POV. Lane said then Brendon would have to decide if he wants Matt gone over her (Brit). Britney told Lane that he needs to win POV.

2:20am BBT:
Cabana Room

Matt asked the boys what would happen if Britney/Ragan were on the block against each other, where would the votes fall. Matt knows that Hayden/Enzo would vote to keep Lane, but he wonders who would Kathy vote for.

Hayden: "Kathy would vote for Lane to stay."
Matt: "Really?? Britney thinks Kathy would vote for her."
Hayden: "Well, maybe."

Matt said he'd need a reason to vote against Ragan, since he still wants to keep The Brigade a secret. Enzo told him to just tell Ragan that he's voting with the house and he has to do the same.

Matt: (to Hayden) "You sure you can get Kathy to vote to keep Lane?"
Hayden: *nods yes*
Matt: "Awesome! Then that's what I'll tell Ragan then." (voting with the house)

Enzo said he wants to tell Brendon to get Lane off the block and put up Britney and get rid of her, depending on who wins POV today. Enzo said he'll tell Brendon that Lane will "protect" him.

2:53am BBT:
Sunset Room

**Watch this on the Flashback Feeds. lol Hayden & Enzo say that they're gonna hang out after the show and Enzo wants to ride a horse. Something about telling a Jersey boy about how to horseback ride that is just so funny. lol

Enzo: "How do I drive a horse? I could die on a horse, right? Am I gonna be buckled in good? How fast do they go, bro?"

Hayden describes to him everything, while chuckling. lol Worth the watch!!

Back to game talk.
The boys still want Brendon to stay in the game and they both want Ragan out. Hayden is scared to be in the Final 2 with Matt because of Matt's "sick wife". Enzo is scared to be sitting next to Lane in the Final 2. Enzo also said that he still doesn't trust Matt because of how close he is with Ragan.

They talk about how keeping Brendon until Final 5 would work good because then Brendon could get out Matt or Lane out for them, and then they'd vote Brendon out the following week after they get him to do their dirty work for them. (This plan is brilliant: they use Brendon, someone who has nobody in the house, get to Final 5, have Brendon get rid of one of the Brigade members so that Enzo/Hayden's hands are clean, and then send Brendon to the jury house..both of them with 2 votes: Rach/Bren...if they send him out the right way, that is.)

Either way, it looks like Brendon might just stick around for a while longer.

That's it for the Overnighter! Starting the morning post right now!! :D

Stay tuned...

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