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Friday, August 13, 2010

Early Evening in the BB House + Nominations

Good evening, everyone! At 5:07pm BBT, the live feeds went to trivia!! When they come back, I will post the Nominations spoiler and start the evening post!!

While we wait, please enjoy this week's article from Drew, the Big Brother Cynic:

Taking Out the Trash

**Also, I just posted some new polls on right side of the blog, check'em out! :D

There's a Behind the Scenes look at Jeff & Jordo's visit to the BB house last week. It's super cute! Check it out!! :D

Currently on the live feeds...

7:14pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!

It sounds like Lane/Ragan are up. Enzo said it seems like he wants a pair to be split up either way.

Nominated for Eviction:

Lane & Ragan

7:10pm BBT:

Cabana Room

Britney: "That's his evil plan...he's gonna backdoor you (Matt) or me!"

Matt: "Try it! Try it!!! Bring it!

Matt is super cocky and doesn't care, and he shouldn't since he has the Diamond POV. He's safe this week either way.

Kathy joins the Cabana crew.

7:25pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

Ragan: "How is Lane doing?"
Hayden: "He's in the cabana room."

Hayden is telling Ragan to play his best for the veto.
Ragan said he doesn't feel like he's the target this week, Hayden said he agrees.

Ragan said he wanted the full experience of BB and being nominated is part of it. He's thankful it took him so long to get nominated in the game. Hayden said at least he's guaranteed to at least play for veto instead of being backdoored.

Hayden: "Being backdoored is the worst thing in the game."

Okay, feeds to...

7:37pm BBT:
Cabana Room

Matt (a Have Not for the week) is eating some eggplant that America voted to give the Have Not's this week. Enzo tasted it and liked it.

Enzo: (to Lane) "You wanna kill him?" (Brendon)
Lane: "Yea. Dude, he looked like he was about to cry...when giving his speech."

Enzo: "It's hard, yo!..nominating 2 people. Because the next week, you're not HOH and you'll have people coming after you."

7:58pm BBT:
Cabana Room

Brendon told Lane that he is NOT the target, Ragan is. He also said he didn't put up Britney on purpose because she deserves to be in the house because she's a great competitor. He also said he doesn't plan to backdoor Britney. But then Brendon said that if Ragan wins veto, then Matt or Britney are going up.

Brendon also reminded Lane that he still has Britney's vote while he's on the block.

8:03pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

Britney: "What if we're the 2 people that sit out (for POV)?"
Matt: "That would suck. Then it's time for you to make deals."
Ragan: "If someone else wins veto and uses it, then one of you will go up on the block."
Matt: "That's true."
Ragan: "Worst thing that could happen is if Brendon wins it and doesn't use it."

Matt thinks Brendon would use the POV (if he wins it) to save Lane.

Matt: "You just gotta fight your balls off. He came in here and said he's sorry, I told him I feel fine and..." (bubbles)

**Anyone else watching the feeds think it's funny how Ragan is stealth whispering & super slow, as Matt is talking normal? lol :P

Feeds auto-switch to...

8:07pm BBT:

Lane: "Ragan cannot win tomorrow! Because if he does, Britney's going up."
Enzo: "I think it'll be Matt."

Hayden told Lane if he (Lane) wins HOH next week, to put up Brendon/Kathy. Enzo agreed.

Enzo said he's "allergic" to the block.

They're going through different scenarios of if so-and-so wins, do this, etc. (**It is SUPER hard to hear them. They are stealth whispering and with loud noises of ice cubes and such.)

8:24pm BBT:
Matt has joined and The Brigade are still stealth whispering.

8:28pm BBT:
Trivia on the feeds..hmm...accident by control room? Or picking for POV comp players? Hang tight, we'll see!

8:40pm BBT:
Live Feeds still on trivia...

**BB After Dark is coming on at 12am EST (9pm BBT), so the feeds shouldn't be down for too long.

Feeds are back!!

Enzo wonders if the POV comp will be one with prizes. Brendon said that he doesn't think it'll be a skill comp because there's not going to be any practices. They think it might be a punishment challenge. (Like shave your head, etc.)

POV Players were picked! Britney & Matt were NOT picked. Britney said that Brendon didn't pick Britney (I think he got HG choice).

Playing for the Veto:


8:49pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

Britney walks in...

Britney: "Welcome to Season 12!"

Ragan: "The cards are stacked against me. I can't catch a f**king break. God, this sucks!! I can't beat Lane or Hayden in ANYTHING physical!"

Matt leaves.

Britney: "I looked at Matt..the only one left on the couches (besides me) and I was like...really??"

Ragan: "This sucks."

8:57pm BBT:
Dining Room Table
Enzo/Lane/Matt/Kathy/Hayden (Brendon in kitchen)

The HG's are finishing up eating dinner.

**...and that's all she wrote, folks. Well, for tonight anyways. lol ;) I'm going to bed. Meet me back here in the morning between 9am-10am EST for The Overnighter!! As of right now, I'm not sure if the HG's are having a nighttime POV comp or not. My guess is yes since they just picked for the pov players. If they do, the comp will start after BB After Dark on Showtime ends (12am BBT) and it'll last a couple of hours. We'll know everything that happened tomorrow morning! Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!

Stay tuned...
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