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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Afternoon/Early Evening in the BB House + POV Spoiler

The feeds went to bubbles (as I last reported) around 1pm BBT, the feeds never went to trivia to signify that the POV Comp was being held. The feeds came back at 2:54pm BBT.

**Reminder: for a limited time, you can now get the feeds for just $10 for the rest of the season!! The Final 3 endurance comp alone is well worth it!!

*Get the Live Feeds Special Right Here!!*

Winner of the POV is:


**Bye bye, Ragan!

Ragan is not taking it well. He's in the Cabana Room crying.

Enzo on the other hand, is very happy.

Enzo: (to Lane in the HOH Room @ 3:04pm BBT) "I'm in the f**kin' Final 4, yo!"

Enzo is not happy with Ragan for a comment he made (details have not come out, stay tuned) about how Enzo won the POV Comp. Enzo said that Ragan is a "sore f**kin loser".

3:08pm BBT:
Bubbles on the feeds...

3:12pm BBT:
HOH Room

Lane is reading his letter and talking about the people in it that his mom mentioned. (No POV Comp talk at the moment).

Britney said she went into the cabana room (where Ragan was) to get nail clippers and Ragan asked her if she could "give him a minute" and he stood at the door and waited for her to leave, then closed the door.

Lane: "I'm gonna go crazy in the Diary Room!" (re: being in the Final 4 as planned.)
Hayden: "It could have not have been more dramatic!"
Britney: "Nope!"
Hayden: "Wifey is gonna be PROUD, yo!!"
Enzo: "Now I feel confident that I won something, man!"
Britney: "Ragan is gonna be in the Diary Room forever talking about how it was unfair how you won and.."
Enzo: "The one f**kin' time that I win something and he thinks it's 'unfair'."

The comp involved running, grabbing, and CD's. Britney/Lane/Hayden were the first 3 out of the POV Comp. They keep saying how dramatic it was.

Enzo said he's gonna "rip up" Ragan and "shun" him.
Lane: "Matt is gonna lose it when he sees Ragan go to the Jury House."

They look at the spy screen in the HOH room to see where Ragan is.

Britney: "He's gonna be in the Cabana Room for dayyyys!"

Then they see Ragan in the kitchen.

BB: "Britney, please go to the Diary Room."
Britney: "First one, huh?"
Britney leaves.

The boys are talking about how the Brigade is the best alliance ever. They talk about how Hayden or Enzo need to win HOH, then one of them 3 (Hay/Lane/Enzo) have to win POV, putting the boys in the Final 3. They think that this weeks HOH comp will be endurance. (**Yep! Most likely!) They think back to other Final 4 HOH Comps and how they've all been endurance.

The boys confirm that Ragan is gone this week & that Britney is their target next week.

Enzo goes into the bathroom, giving Lane/Hayden a moment to whisper-talk.

Lane: "I'm 100% not taking Britney to the Final 3, I want her gone next week and I don't wanna put her up."
Hayden: "Yea, I can put her up."

Hayden: "We gotta get to the Final 2."
Enzo comes out of the bathroom.
Enzo: "Yoooo! Brigade! Final 3!"

3:38pm BBT:
Hayden told Lane that he could put him (Hay) up instead of Britney if he wants. Lane said he he'll think about it..he has a day to sit on the idea.

Enzo is pacing the HOH room, pumped up that he won the POV.

Ragan is looking depressed.

Enzo is still pacing the HOH room, excited that he won.

4:07pm BBT:
Cabana Room

Ragan is talking to himself, trying to figure out how to stay this week.


4:15pm BBT:
Breakfast Bar/Kitchen Area

Hayden is telling Britney that "they" have to win HOH & POV next week. (**Hayden is just covering his own butt with Britney in case she wins HOH next week.)

4:19pm BBT:
Ragan is thinking of his pitch to Britney: he's gonna tell her that it's gonna be her up against the 3 boys and her best shot of staying in the house is to team up with him (Ragan) & get one of the boys out (whoever is the replacement nom this week), so that it's 2 against 2..and not 3 against 1. (**Good idea, Ragan!! Do it!!)

4:37pm BBT:
A look at the feeds...

*Lane/Hayden/Britney are in the Kitchen Area, chit-chatting about non-game stuff.
*Enzo is semi-sleeping in the HOH room, listening to music.
*Last time I saw Ragan, he was in the Cabana Room.

5:08pm BBT:
Hayden/Lane/Britney are having non-game convos in the kitchen/dining room.

*Enzo is still in the HOH room, listening to Lane's CD.

5:34pm BBT:

Brit/Hayden/Lane are playing dominos. Ragan is in the cabana room, looking sad and defeated.

7:15pm BBT:
A look at the feeds...

*Britney is in the HOH room listening to Lane's CD.
*Lane is showering in the HOH bathroom.
*Lane asked Britney if she wants him to shower with the shower door open or closed, Brit said "I don't care". (*lol) Cute flirting between the two. :P
*Ragan is alone at the Dining Room table.

8:23pm BBT:
If you have the feeds, turn'em on!! The HG's have to wear sock puppets on their hands and they have to make the puppets "talk" every time they talk, otherwise they will be Have Not's. lol It's hilarious!! :D They're allowed to take off the sock puppets (to make food, go to the bathroom, sleep, etc) but if the puppet is off, then they can't talk at all. (**Very creative, BB!! Kudos on this punishment!! lol)

**Alright, boys & girls..I'm outty for the night!! I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter as usual. Until then, enjoy the feeds!! :D G'dnight!!

Stay tuned...
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Morning/Early Afternoon in the BB House

Good morning/afternoon!! The HG's were woken up by BB around 9:30am BBT. BB took all the utensils and cups, so the HG's had to eat cereal out of a bowl with measuring cups. lol :P (Part of the punishment from Lane opening up Pandora's Box).

Today the houseguests will have the POV Comp..which is major for Ragan and Britney. Whichever of the two doesn't win the POV today, is going home. Ragan has been studying non-stop for days now in preparation for today's POV Comp (which is most likely the Morph-o-Matic comp that BB does every season.)

Also, for a limited time, you can now get the feeds for just $10 for the rest of the season!! The Final 3 endurance comp alone is well worth it!!

*Get the Live Feeds Special Right Here!!*

Currently on the live feeds...

All Hg's are sleeping, except for Ragan. He's in the cabana room studying.

10:46am BBT:
*Ragan still alone in Cabana Room studying on cams 1, 2 & 4.
*Enzo sleeping on Cam 3.

11:51am BBT:
Quad Cam

All HG's are sleeping.

12:25pm BBT:
HG's still snoozing. :P

12:55pm BBT:
HOH Room

Britney is doing her makeup as she talks to Lane. The convo has been mostly Britney talking about herself & how people always told her she'd be a big star. Brit also said that she always knew she'd be on BB someday, ever since she was 14. (**OMG,I feel so old. Thanks Brit. lol)

1:24pm BBT:
Feeds have been on bubbles for a while now.

**I'm gonna take a little break. Be back around 3pm BBT! :)

Stay tuned...
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The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Saturday to all you BB fans out there!! Yesterday, the HG's had the Nominations Ceremony where Ragan & Enzo were named this weeks noms. Ragan is the target this week and it all comes down to today's POV Comp. If Ragan doesn't win, then Ragan will go home. If Ragan does win the POV, then it looks like Britney will be the one going home.

Okay, let me go see what the Fabulous 5 were up to last night and I'll be right back with The Overnighter! :D

**While I gather up the Overnighter, feel free to check out this week's article from Drew, the Big Brother Cynic if you have not yet done so!

"Final 5 Breakdown"

*NOTE: If your live feeds are blacked out this morning, it's not just you. The feeds went to blacked out around 7am BBT. As soon as the technical error gets fixed, I will be sure to let y'all know!

UPDATE: Feeds are back on! :D

(Keep refreshing every 5-10 mins...)

8:03pm BBT:
Backyard Couch

Enzo asked Hayden if he (Enzo) wins the POV, if Lane will put up Britney & Hayden said yes.

Hayden: "Well, he could put me up, doesn't really matter (because either way, Ragan's going home at that point)."

Enzo is still worried that Lane won't put up Britney at any point in the game. Hayden said that Lane wouldn't betray them for Brit.

8:18pm BBT:
Quad Cam

Lane/Hayden at the dining room table.
Hayden told Lane that Enzo said he's worried that Lane won't ever put up Britney. Lane said that Enzo has nothing to worry about. (Basically saying that he will put up Britney if he has to).

Ragan is in the backyard, going over detailed facial characteristics of HG's as he works out.

8:55pm BBT:
All HG's

BB told Enzo that he can take off his penguin suit at 9pm BBT. Enzo wanted to do a ceremony of the end of his penguin suit days. lol :P

Enzo: "Welcome to the shun! Do you wanna start Britney?"
Britney: "I'll start. Penguin, it's really been an honor having you in the house. I think you brought a whole new ambience to the atmosphere of the house, it's been really great. You brought a lot of laughter in our lives, now it's time for you to be shunned."
Enzo: "Thank you."
Hayden: "Penguin, it's been great having you around!"
Lane: "I think you need to get into Nasa, learn how to fly..I'm gonna miss you Penguin!"
Ragan: "Penguin, you always just came up a little short. If you would have done your job, you would have got out Brendon sooner. Thank you penguin for everything!"
Enzo: "Thank you."

Enzo: "I'm not really gonna miss this guy (the penguin suit). I lost everything..I lost my clothes...I have one shirt to rock now."

Enzo then starts to address the pool duck, which he named "Howie the Might Duck". lol

Enzo: "I just wanted to let YOU know, that this (costume) isn't real and I'm not your daddy. So, with that said, I will shun the shun!"


Enzo: "I'm free! I'm free!"

9:44pm BBT:

The boys talked about how they trust each other 100% and are going to the Final 2 together.

They both agree to get Ragan out this week, then Britney next week. Hayden said that it'd be best if he wins the next HOH just in case Britney wins the POV. Hayden also said that if Enzo wins HOH, then Britney cannot win POV. (Hayden is trying to avoid being on the block no matter what.) They also agreed that eithe of them (Hayden/Lane) up against Britney or Enzo in the Final 2, they'd lose. (They want Ragan..then Brit..then Enzo out, leaving Hayden/Lane for F2.)

**That's it for the Overnighter! The rest of the night, the HG's talked non-game stuff, Ragan studied until he went to bed, and all HG's were in bed around 2am BBT. As soon as the HG's wake up, I'll start the morning post! :D

Stay tuned...
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Early Evening in the BB House + Nominations

Good afternoon/evening, everybody! :D At 4:40pm BBT, the feeds finally went to trivia...let the Nomination Ceremony begin!!

At 4pm BBT, Lane had a talk with Hayden (about putting Hayden up as a pawn) and Hayden said he wouldn't be mad at all if Lane did that. Will Lane put up Hayden against Ragan? Or will he put Enzo up against Ragan? Both have been options all day long.

Currently on the live feeds...

5:59pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!

**While we're waiting, please check out this week's article from Drew, the Big Brother Cynic!

"Final 5 Breakdown

Nomination for Eviction:

Ragan & Enzo

5:59pm BBT:
Feeds are back.

Hayden's key is in the wall, so Hayden was not nominated.

**It's Ragan & Enzo!!

Hayden went up to the HOH room to tell him that dinner is ready.

Hayden: "You're okay." (aka safe this week)
Enzo: "Yo, is Britney going? Is this guy scared to Britney up or what?"

Enzo is worried that Lane might not ever get rid of Britney. Hayden didn't really comment back.

Hayden goes downstairs and tells Lane that Enzo is "pissed" but not too pissed.

6:09pm BBT:

*Lane/Hayden/Britney are eating tacos.
*Enzo is still up in the HOH room listening to music.
*Ragan is still studying in the Sunset Room.

6:12pm BBT:
Ragan joins Britney/Hayden/Lane in the dining room area. Lane told Ragan that there's tacos for him to eat.

Ragan: "Ooo! Thank you! Who made these?"
Lane: "I did."
Ragan: "Where's Enzo?" (**He's in the HOH room still.)

6:24pm BBT:
Pool Table

Britney: "So is (Enzo) really pissed?"
Hayden: "No. I think he's just upset because he just got off the block, ya know?"
Britney: "Yea."

Talk turns to the ant infestation. Britney said she asked production for some ant spray.
Britney: "They acted concerned, but I no longer believe that they are."

Britney starts talking about Enzo again.
Britney: "I mean (Enzo) knows that all we have to do is win POV and get Ragan out."

Lane joins Brit/Hayden outside in the backyard.

6:34pm BBT:
Ragan is in the Palm Bedroom, pacing back and forth, naming off facial characteristics of each HG. (Ragan believes that the POV comp could be the morph-o-matic comp tomorrow, and it very well could be).

Meanwhile, back outside...

Hayden: (to Lane) "Did you talk to Enzo yet?"
Lane: "No, not yet."
Hayden: "I think he's cool. He's not mad."

7:10pm BBT:
Hayden asked Lane if he (Hay) wins POV, if he should take Enzo off. (Enzo told Hayden that if he wins POV, to take him off the block.) Lane told Hayden to keep the noms the same. Hayden said that Enzo just doesn't wanna spend the whole week on the block like last week.

**Okay guys & dolls, I'm outta here! See y'all in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the feeds!!

Stay tuned...
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Afternoon in the BB House

Good afternoon, BB addicts! :D The live feeds went to trivia at 11:20am BBT. Pandora's Box perhaps? We will soon find out!!

The morning in the BB house was very uneventful. The HG's woke up to an ant infestation in the kitchen from them not doing dishes and leaving food out overnight. Britney then started to clean up the kitchen. Lane was locked out of his HOH room today..possible pandora's box, who knows. lol :P (Lane said that he wouldn't open it if he got a pandora's box.)

As soon as the feeds come back on, I'll resume posting!!

Currently on the live feeds...

11:40am BBT:
Feeds are back!

Lane got Pandora's Box! Lane did open it. Sounds like Lane got $91.17. lol

Lane said that the only reason why he took it was because the card said he'd be punished with the other HG's.

11:56am BBT:
BB: "Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside."

(Sounds like the HG's are about to get a punishment from Lane opening up Pandora's box.)

Talk is about previous HG's.

12:15pm BBT:
HG's still sitting on the backyard couch, chit-chatting during the lockdown. Enzo is talking about a movie called "Old School".

12:21pm BBT:
HG's still on outside lockdown.

12:44pm BBT:
All HG's sleeping on the backyard couch, then...bubbles!!

12:47pm BBT:
HOH Room

Hayden and Enzo both agree that Lane should put up Enzo/Ragan, tell Enzo he's a pawn and that if Ragan wins POV, then Britney will go up & get evicted. (**This is their true plan.)

Lane said that he promised Britney that he wouldn't put her up this week & Lane said he'll tell Enzo. The boys say that as long as they can get out Ragan this week, then they (Enzo/Lane/Hayden) are "guaranteed" Final 3 together. (**Unless Britney wins POV, that is.)

Hayden: "For our game, it's better to put up Enzo and Ragan."

Hayden told Enzo to pay attention to things missing from around the house that BB might have took.

BB: "Lane, please go to the Diary Room."

Lane leaves. Hayden stays in the HOH to use the bathroom.

**Note to BB Prouction Crew: The bubbles are annoying. Cut it out!! lol K? Thanks. ;)

1:06pm BBT:
HOH Room

Britney is (kinda) teaasing Lane that his loyalties are really with Hayden and not her.

Britney: "I've been with you since Day 1."

Lane said that Enzo is gonna be pissed but he's gotta use him as a pawn. Talk turns to how a HG (Enzo) can play a social game up until around Final 6, but then it's time to start winning comps.

1:16pm BBT:
Hayden joins Britney/Lane in the HOH room.

The 3 of them are talking about the upcoming POV comp and how Britney is the "POV Champ" and she's gonna win it. Lane keeps saying that Enzo is gonna be pissed (being the pawn).

1:46pm BBT:
Hot Tub Area
Hayden/Enzo..then Lane

Enzo is telling Hayden that Lane needs to just put up Britney/Ragan and tell them whoever wins, you're staying for the week and the other one is going home. No more messing around. Enzo said he won't mind being a pawn if either Brit or Ragan wins POV, because they have the votes to get one of them out.

Lane comes out and joins them.

Lane: "I know you don't wanna be a pawn.."
Enzo: "Either you do it, it doesn't matter." (who to nom, who to use as the pawn).
Hayden: "No matter what, we're going to the Final 4."

Hayden is spitting the plan that Hay/Lane have (of putting up Enzo/Ragan) to Enzo.

Enzo: "What, is Britney gonna be mad at you if you put her up?"
Lane: "Yea because I promised her that I wouldn't put her up."
Enzo: "Oh, okay."

Lane is telling Enzo (in so many words) that he (Enzo) is going up and that he'll be okay.

2:12pm BBT:
BB told Enzo/Lane to pull down the awnings in the BY.

Lane: "I can put up Hayden as a pawn this week since you were on the block last week as a pawn."
Enzo: "Whatever you wanna do, bro!"
Lane: "I'm probably gonna be a pawn next week, so.."

2:16pm BBT:
A look at the feeds...

*Ragan is still sleeping in the Sunset Room.
*Britney is in the HOH bed.
*Hayden/Lane/Enzo are by the hot tub talking.

2:52pm BBT:
*Hayden/Enzo are on the BY couch talking about how they're gonna make it to the Final 3 (Enzo/Hayden/Lane)...Enzo is still wearing his penguin costume.
*Lane is in the Cabana Room alone.
*Ragan is awake in the Sunset Room.

Stay tuned...

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The Overnighter

Gooood morning, everybody!! :D Happy Friday morning!! As of 5am BBT, Enzo/Brit/Lane are still up and are talking in the HOH room. (This will give me hours to do a very thorough Overnigther, yayyy!)

I'm gonna start the Overnighter at 9:45am EST (6:45am BBT), so come back as I start posting in sections starting around then.

**Special thanks to SuzieQ for keeping the blog updated last night while I was stuck in traffic on the Pennsylvania Turnpike!! :)

Lane won the 2nd HOH!!!!

**If you weren't able to watch last nights Double Eviction show, just click the pic below!!

9:53pm BBT:
The feeds finally got turned back on at 9:53pm, so that's where I'm gonna start from (since nothing happened from 9am-9:53pm yesterday). :)

10:05pm BBT:
Dining Room Table

Enzo said that it was really stupid that Matt lied about his age...saying he was 30 when he was really 33. They don't understand why he would lie about his, doesn't make sense.

Enzo: "He sabotaged himself!"

Talk turns the jury house and how they're only gonna be in there for 2 weeks starting next week.

12:45am BBT:
HOH Room
All HG's

Lane got his HOH room last night!

*The feeds switched to bubbles as soon as all the HG's entered the HOH room, so there's no screencaps, but we did get audio so I'll type what was said. :)

Enzo saw a picture of Lane's brother...
Enzo: "WOWW! He looks like the Undertaker!!" (**Wrestler for the WWE)

Lane got a letter from his mom. The letter said that Gunner (his brother??) broke his hand, his mom said it's been hot & over 100 degrees, and the letter mentioned names of friends and family and how they're doing.

(Since there's no visual of Lane reading his letter from home, how about one of Britney reading it? lol :P )

1:20am BBT:
HOH Room

Enzo said that he can't "snake" the Brigade (aka turn his back on them), he's sticking with Lane/Hayden until the end.

Lane: "We're Final 3."

Lane said that Enzo will win HOH next week, and that Ragan is gone is this week. Enzo said that Ragan is smart and knows all the house facts. Enzo/Lane then said that they're convinced that Matt was the sab.

Enzo asked Lane if he's scared to put up Britney and Lane said no.

**The HG's spent A LOT of time talking about non-game stuff (family, friends, music, etc etc. Gonna fast forward to the game talk.

3:20am BBT:

Ragan just left the HOH room where Hayden/Lane/Enzo/Britney were. He heads to the hammock to talk to us feed watchers.

Ragan: "'m either in the best position in the house, or the worst position. You have the 3 boys working together..then you have a pair...Brit/Lane..then Hayden/Enzo. I'm nowhere in this web. I know Britney would slit my throat..or anyones throat except for Lane's. If I don't win POV...I'm obviously the target this week...but someone is gonna have to go up against me which he will say is a pawn. Lane will have to show who he's truly aligned with this week..Britney or the boys. If he puts up any of the boys, then he's truly aligned with Britney and not the boys. If he puts up Britney goes up, it could just be a 'smoke screen' for the boys, because if it's me & Britney, and I win Power of Veto, she stays up on the block, either Hayden/Enzo go up on the block, and Britney will probably be thinking that I will vote for her to stay, one of the boys will vote for whichever of the boys is up on the block, and Lane would have to break the tie. It's a very tangled web. So I think I'll just be nice to everyone, which isn't hard because I like everyone, and not cause any waves and see how the chips fall. would be foolish of me to assume that my life in this house does not depend solely on winning the POV, because it does."

Ragan: "I think if I can win this weeks veto, then I just might be able to make it to the end of this game. Stay tuned!"

Ragan gets up & goes to bed at 3:20am BBT.

3:35am BBT:
Kitchen Area

Lane asked Hayden what he should do for a pawn this week.

Hayden: "Put up Brit."

Hayden wonders if Brit/Ragan have an alliance, though he doesn't think they do..just entertaining the possibility. Hayden is afraid if Brit/Ragan do have an alliance, then Brit could pull Ragan off the block if she wins POV.

Lane: "Worst case scenario..Ragan wins, pulls himself off, I put up Enzo. Britney goes up, Britney goes home, Enzo is safe.

Hayden said that Enzo will be pissed if he's the pawn, Lane said that he'll tell Enzo that he's safe this week either way.

Hayden: "You could put me up as a pawn.."
Lane: "No no, that's too risky. You're my key to the Final 2."
Hayden: "Yea."
Lane: "I gotta put up Ragan/Britney."
Hayden: "Ideally, Ragan doesn't win POV this week..goes home, then Britney next week. Then it's us 3 (Enzo/Hayden/Lane) in the Final 3. Then you and I in the Final 2."

Hayden said he thinks all three of them (Enzo/Hay/Lane) will win money: Enzo for the $25,000 America's Vote, $50,000 for 2nd place, and $500,000 for first place.)

Lane: "Ragan's not gonna win POV. Too many people (playing against him) to win it."

Hayden: "We have..we have a 2 in 4 shot of getting to the Final 2. 50% chance."

The pawn then changes back to Enzo. (This convo goes on, so I'll sum it for y'all).

The boys decide to put up Enzo as the pawn, but to tell Enzo prior that he's just a pawn and he's 100% safe either way..because even if Ragan wins POV, Lane will put up Britney and they'll vote her out.

4:36am BBT:
HOH Room
Britney/Lane/Enzo (listening to music)

Lane told Britney that Enzo is gonna be pissed when he tells him he's going up as a pawn tomorrow. Britney said it's something that he (Lane) has to do. Britney said that Enzo plays harder for POV when he's nominated.

Talk turns to how Lane thinks today will be a luxury comp. (**If BB is keeping with the past few seasons schedule, then there should be! BB usually lets us watch the luxury comp on the live feeds.)

4:44am BBT:
Let the flirting begin! ;)

Britney: "I think BB is gonna wake us up early tomorrow."
Lane: "Wanna sleep up here?
Britney: "Yea but I can't."
Lane: "Why not?"
Britney: "Because I can't."

Britney then puts on Lane's work hat.

Lane: "Says who?"
Britney: (laughing) "The world."
Lane: "You're (engagement) is done with."
Britney: "No it's not!"
Lane: "When you get out of here, you'll see..and you let this opportunity pass you by."
Britney: "You're stupid."

Britney said she wants to work in the oil field. She asked Lane if she could get a job working in the oil field, and Lane said yea. They got back and forth for a little while longer before finally passing seperate beds. (Britney went downstairs and slept in the Palm Bedroom, and Lane in the HOH room..alone.)

That's it for the Overnighter! :D I'll be starting the morning post shortly!

Stay tuned...

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