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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Evening in the BB House + POV Comp Spoiler

Well BB fans, the time has come!! It's POV Comp time!! :D The live feeds went to trivia at 5:32pm BBT. As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the winner of the POV Comp below!!

This is the most important and most exciting POV Comp of the season and I can't wait to see who wins it and who takes the 2nd guaranteed spot in the Final 3 next to Hayden!! Who do y'all wanna see win it tonight? Let me know in the comment section below!

5:42pm BBT:
Feeds still on trivia...
(**Expect about 2+ hrs until the feeds come back on.)

8:03pm BBT:
Feeds still on trivia...

**FYI: Tuesday (in the BB house) will be the eviction, bringing the Final 4 to the Final 3. That will be taped & then shown on Wednesday nights episode, along with the *LIVE* Final HOH Endurance Comp!

Feeds are back!!!

Enzo: "That was fun, man."

Enzo is not looking happy.

Winner of the POV Comp is:


8:10pm BBT:
Dining Room Table

The HG's are talking about the POV comp. Sounds like some sort of a puzzle? Lane never got "it" right and didn't finish. Hayden got it right on his first try. Enzo hit his bell but his answer wasn't correct.

Enzo: "I was thinking 'Was she a Have Not twice? Yea!' ..and I just went with it."

Update: The comp involved sheets, babies, house trivia, blocks and a grid. (Thanks!)

**The question is, will Hayden use the POV to change the noms? Or leave Lane/Brit up there and get Britney out. My guess is that Hayden will vote Britney out & keep Enzo.

Enzo is talking about how every answer, he knew he had a 50/50 chance on every answer..but apparently still did really bad.

The HG's are playing with the building set thing that BB gave them earlier, as they continue to talk about the comp.

8:29pm BBT:
Storage Room

Enzo said that maybe he should call Lane "The Animal" and Hayden "The Beast" because Hayden is doing awesome in the game by winning comps. Enzo said he has a lot of respoect "for that kid" and that he did awesome. Lane said that "they" (Enzo/Lane/Hayden) still have the 3 Final HOH comps to do and to not be "Debbie Downer".

Enzo: "I'm not! I'm happy for him, yo! He did awesome!"

8:34pm BBT:
Kitchen Area
Enzo/Lane (Brit/Hay are at dining room table.)

Enzo is about to the dishes.

Enzo: "Yo, we should start cleaning our own dishes."
Britney: "We've been saying that for 3 months! BB gave us paper plates after Captain Kosher left..." (**Andrew always kept the house clean. lol)

Enzo starts washing dishes, as Lane is munching on snacks in the kitchen. No talking going on at the moment. All is calm in BB land. :)

Hayden just went up to the HOH room to talk to us feed watchers in private....


Hayden: "No one's gonna take me to final 2, so I'm gonna have to get myself there. Brigade, Final 3."

**Bye bye, Britney!

Hayden then goes downstairs and joins the others.

Enzo: "Cheers..congratulations!"
Hayden: "Thanks!"

Enzo is cooking burgers on the stove as Lane/Hayden stand around talking to him. Britney still at the dining room table.

**Okay guys & gals, I'm outta here for the night! See y'all back here in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the live feeds!

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Afternoon in the BB House (Updated)

Good afternoon, BB fans!! Today is the POV Comp and if any houseguest is pumped, it's Enzo! He's ready to win it to ensure his safety and to also make sure that Britney goes home this week..making the Final 3 himself/Hayden/Lane.

The HG's woke up and started to move around the house at around 11:30am BBT (2:30pm EST).

11:30am-12:45pm Cliffnotes:
*Hayden fed the BB house fish.
*HG's are on inside lockdown as BB builds today's POV Comp.
*Enzo still thinks the Brigade is the best alliance in BB history.
*Brit cried (around 12:30pm BBT) to Lane that she feels "shunned" just like Ragan was last week. Lane said that she is shunning herself, and that he has "shunned" her at all. Brit also said that she knows that if she doesn't win the POV, she's going home.

Currently on the live feeds...

12:48pm BBT:
HOH Room

Britney is talking about her being stressed in the house, then talk turns to non-game talk. (House decor, etc.)

Britney is talking about how her and her fiance Nick have 2 dining room tables.

Britney: "We should sell one on craigslist."

Britney said she wants to buy a house with Nick in like a year or two.

Britney: "Why are they doing some many Diary Room sessions today?"
Lane: "Don't forget to do your Diary Room voice."
Britney: (in Valley Girl voice) "..and I walked into the backyard and was like 'oh my gosh!'"

Britney exits.
All 4 feeds are on Lane alone in the HOH room.

1:26pm BBT:
Lane goes downstairs, him and Enzo yell at each other from different rooms..kinda like a bad mating call. lol :P

Enzo: "UGHGHAHH!!"
Lane: "You know what? I think y'all are right, the pov might be the faces thing after all. It's almost 2 o'clock and they're still building."

Enzo & Lane start to study the memory the most comical way. lol (It's hard to even describe those two the way they interact. lol)

Enzo touched Ragan's picture on the memory board and it turned black.

Enzo: "WHOAA!!!" (steps away) "What the..."

Enzo touched it again, and it came back on. He touched it after that, but nothing happened. (**Fluke? Or is BB trying to tell us something?)

Enzo leaves the room.
Hayden walks in.

Lane: "I can still here (BB production) out there."

Enzo come back in & starts studying the wall again, showing Hayden how hard it'll be to tell the HG's faces from one another if only eyes are shown, or only lips, etc.

Hayden then looks for something to eat.

**Blog Correction:
Ragan did indeed do the early show. Here's the video! :)

HG's took a nap.

4:00pm BBT:
HG's wonder what kind of POV Comp it's going to be.

4:38pm BBT:
General (and very little) chit-chat going on between the HG's. They're all in chill mode at the moment.

5:14pm BBT:
*Britney/Hayden/Lane are at the dining room table playing with some kind of connectors set thing that BB gave them.

Very little talk is going on between the 3..they're all concentrating really hard on their projects. lol

*Enzo is laying down in the Jumanji bedroom.

5:32pm BBT:
Trivia on the feeds!!! :D It's POV Comp time!! w00t w00t!!! (Starting a new post.)

Stay tuned...

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The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Saturday to all you BB fans out there!! :D It's Labor Day weekend, so gals..get out there and shop! ;) hehe Lots of awesome deals going on today!!

Real quick, I wanted to say hello to blog fans Keith and his friend Christine B., who he turned into a fan of the blog. Thanks you two for being fellow faithful 'addicts'! ;)

Okay, the HG's did not have their POV comp yet, after much speculation that last night they would have the Morph o Matic midnight POV comp. Will it happen today? Most likely. We will see!! So with that all being said, let me get started on The Overnighter and I'll post it sections. (It's gonna be a short one since nothing much happened last night & the HG's were in bed around 12am BBT for the first time this season. lol)

7:58pm BBT:

Enzo said that if Britney wins the POV, then he (Enzo) is going home and that the Brigade will be done.

Lane: "What if I win POV? ..You stressed out?"
Enzo: "Yea! Because this ENGAGED person (Brit), she's engaged with someone else, is f**kin' with your head! That's why I don't understand this sh*t! I don't get it!"
Lane: (laughing)
Enzo: "She's engaged, yo! Who cares! That's it! Let'er go home. This is perfect because now she won $10g's."
Lane: "She's gotta go."
Enzo: "And (BB) helped her win.." (then bubbles.)

**BB apparently told Britney things like "up! up! up!" or "oh oh oh!" when she got close, to help her find the last coin yesterday. Since the feeds were on bubbles, who knows what happened.

9:05pm BBT:
Dining Room Table

Britney & Enzo were talking about yesterday's luxury comp. Britney went through details of what she did..she went through the trash 3 or 4 times.

Britney: "I heard BB say "oh, oh, oh, oh" when I started to look in the recycling bin."

Brit said she was gonna hid it in the bathroom garbage but then decided on the kitchen. (All 4 of them decided to hid their coins in the kitchen.)

9:23pm BBT:
Backyard Couch

Hayden: "If you (Lane) win POV, you gonna pull yourself off? Or Britney?"
Lane: "I'd take myself off, put you (Enzo) on, then I'll vote."
Enzo: "Yea, vote BRITNEY out!"
Lane: *laughing*
Enzo: "If Britney goes to the Final 3, she's gonna take out the whole'll be embarrassing!"
Hayden: "Everything we worked for all season long, would be taken out by her." (laughing)

Enzo: "I wanna win the POV so that I know I'm staying, and make sure that Britney is goin' home."
Hayden: "She won $10g's today."
Enzo: "Yea, good for her. Now she can go home."
Hayden: "She's telling everyone how she needs money, this and that, and now she's saying that she's gonna take her OWN vacation!"
Lane: (re: Britney) "Get a job!!"
Hayden: "I got student loans to pay for..."

11:05pm BBT:
HOH Room

Talk is about Final 2 and who would win against who.

Hayden: "The thing is, neither one of you would take me to the Final 2. Not even Enzo."
Britney: "Nobody is taking me to Final 2 either."
Hayden: "Lane would."
Britney: "It'd be SMART for Lane to take me to Final 2, but I don't know if he will. There's no way I will get Brendon, Rachel, or Kathy's vote."
Hayden: "If Lane/Enzo were Final 2, who would you vote for?"
Britney: "Lane..well, I dunno. I don't know who I'd vote for! I'd wanna vote for Lane, but Enzo's social game is better. He's friends with every single person on (that Memory Wall), but not with Lane."
Hayden: "Enzo is funnier than Lane, that's the only difference."

Hayden gets called to the Diary Room and their convo ends.
Britney: "Maybe I'll just go to bed like everybody else did."

They both head downstairs.

11:40pm BBT:
Hayden came out of the Diary Room and told Enzo/Lane/Britney that the Have Not's room is being closed off tomorrow. It's officially done! :)

*Hayden went to bed around 12am BBT.
*Brit/Lane/Enzo went to bed before 1am BBT. They stayed up talking for a while (non-game talk)..mostly about comps, personal stories, Enzo talked about his wife (how sexy she is, how cute she is, etc). Which, btw, she is!!

And that's it for The Overnighter!! :D Okay guys, I gotta do some offline stuff today, so I might just dive into the afternoon post when I get back. Just wanted to give y'all the heads up! :) I should be back around 12pm BBT, give or take.

Stay tuned...

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Evening in the BB House

Good evening, BB fans! :D As of 5:40pm BBT, the HG's still have not had their Nominations Ceremony. Lane told Hayden to put up himself (Lane) and Brit today. Hayden told Lane that Britney told him (Hay) to put up Enzo/Lane. So, with Lane volunteering to go on the block this week, and Hayden already saying last night that he wants to put up Lane/Britney, looks like today's noms will be Britney/Lane.

Currently on the live feeds...

5:46pm BBT:
Feeds are on trivia! It's nominations time!! :D

7:07pm BBT:
Feeds are back.

Nominated for Eviction are:

Britney & Lane

(Confirmed by keys in the Memory Wall.)

The HG's are wondering if tonight will be the nightime POV because they're on inside lockdown. (**Yep! Around 12am BBT. :))

7:21pm BBT:
HG's are in the kitchen talking about today's luxury comp.

Enzo: "Yo, I might take a nap. It might be a midnight POV tonight."

Talk turns back to the luxury comp.

7:39pm BBT:
Palm Bedroom (aka Jumanji)

Enzo is saying that he can't wait to kiss his baby daughter. He misses wifey and his daughter a lot, Britney said she misses Nick. Brit said that it's so close to the end of the game and how there's comfort in knowing that they'll see their loved ones very soon.

7:44pm BBT:
HOH Room

The boys are talking about sports, then about the POV comp and the Final 3 HOH's.

Lane: "I can't wait till this sh*t is over."
Hayden: "I hope me, you and Enzo can make it to the Final 3, because that means that we have a good shot at the end."
Lane: "I do too."

BB: "Houseguests, the lockdown is over." (**Hmm...)

Lane/Hayden go outside, the backyard looks normal as usual. They're fussing with the grill.

**Okay y'all, I'm outty. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Doesn't look like there will be a nighttime POV tonight since the HG's are off of lockdown, but you never know!! See y'all in the morning! G'dnight & enjoy the live feeds!!

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Afternoon: Luxury Comp

At 1:50pm BBT, the live feeds came back from trivia and showed the HG's playing a luxury comp!!

Currently on the live feeds...

1:50pm BBT:
THE FEEDS ARE BACK!! The HG's are looking high & low in the house for...something??!! lol

Lane: "Hey yo, get out of my spot!"

Enzo said the "bedrooms are done" and Lane said that "only rooms not done" are the living room and kitchen.

I think they're looking for the HOH key because Hayden is missing. lol (Pandora's Box?? Or Luxury Comp? Not sure just yet!)

Enzo: "COME ONNNNN!!!" (He's getting frustrated.)

2:04pm BBT:
Lane/Britney/Enzo are tearing the house apart looking for SOMETHING!!

Lane: "Can we have another hint? Is the living off limits? Or is it still on?"

Enzo said he found "his". (What? I have no clue. lol They're not saying anything yet.)

BB apparently told them that "it" is in the kitchen. (Whatever they're looking for.)

Lane: "I suck at investigating."
Enzo: "I found one already, so..."

The camera just zoomed in on the recycling bins.

The HG's are still tearing the kitchen apart, searching.

The camera man is still zooming in on the recycling bins.
The HG's continue to look in the kitchen. (The only room that is not off-limits.)

Britney looks in the recycling bin, still doesn't find "it."

2:22pm BBT:
BB said that "it" is not in the kitchen cabinets.

Enzo: "Come on, I found Hayden's so you guys gotta find one now!"

Lane: "So are all 3 of ours in the kitchen?"
Enzo says again that he found Hayden's (??) earlier.

The camera man zooms in on the wall decor.

Enzo: "I'm getting frustrated!"
Britney: (to Enzo) "Then just tell me where yours is at!"

**Sounds like they each hid something and need to find each others (whatever they hid).

Lane: (to BB) "Can we do Hot/Cold?"

Lane: "Okay, who wants to split $10,000?"
Enzo: "I don't think you can do that."
Britney: (to BB) "Can we just split the $10G's?"
Enzo: "I'm getting fatigued."

Enzo: "Hayden's like 'yo, what happened?'"
Britney: "How can there be THREE COINS and we can't find them."

Britney: "This is impossible."

2:44pm BBT:
Hg's still looking for each others' coins.

Enzo: "I'm so tired, you."
Lane: "Ughh!"

**It seems that Hayden has been eliminated because Enzo found his coin. The last person to find a coin, wins the $10,000. (Example: Enzo found Hayden's coin, so Hayden is out. If Lane finds Britney's coin, then Brit would be out, etc...until the last coin is found.)

HG's are still searching, getting frustrated. lol

**This comp has been going on for 3 hrs now and there's still 3 coin to be found! If you wanna watch this live, ya gotta get the live feeds!!

2:55pm BBT:
Brit/Lane/Enzo all are asking each other for clues of where they hid their coins, but nobody is offering up any hints. lol

Britney: "I am so fatigued."
Enzo: "Come on, someone's gotta come clean!"

3:01pm BBT:
Feeds came back from bubbles and Britney talking to Hayden outside (he's on the BY couch).

Hayden: "You should see our kitchen, Hayden! It's a MESS!"

Britney then goes back inside.

3:13pm BBT:
Brit/Lane/Enzo are still searching!!! lol

Enzo: "I'm tired!"
Lane: "My feet hurt."
Britney: "I'm cold but I don't wanna get my jacket and miss the action."
Enzo: "We only had 90 seconds to hid this sh*t, yo!"

3:15pm BBT:
Britney: "ENZO!!!!!"
Britney found Enzo's coin.
BB: "Enzo, you've been eliminated from the competition."
Enzo: "FINALLY!"

Brit & Lane are frantically searching for each others' coin.
(Don't mind the wrong time stamp, typo.)

(Whoever finds the others coins, wins the $10,000!!)

Britney looks where one of the coins is hidden. (She's looked in the recycling bins about 6 times already and keeps missing it. lol)

Lane: "Am I hot or cold?"
Britney: "Where'd ya put it?"

3:24pm BBT:
The kitchen is torn apart!!! lol

Britney & Lane are getting reallllly frustrated now. They both try to get hints from each other.

Britney: "Big Brother thought this would only take 30 mins. We're cutting into Nominations now."
Lane: "I know." (laughs)

3:37pm BBT:
Feeds come back from bubbles and Britney is yelling "YES!! YES!!" while outside in the backyard with Hayden/Enzo. Britney won the $10,000!!

Britney: "I finally won money!"

**Okay guys, I'm taking a short blogging break. Be back shortly. :)

Stay tuned...

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