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Friday, September 3, 2010

Evening in the BB House

Good evening, BB fans! :D As of 5:40pm BBT, the HG's still have not had their Nominations Ceremony. Lane told Hayden to put up himself (Lane) and Brit today. Hayden told Lane that Britney told him (Hay) to put up Enzo/Lane. So, with Lane volunteering to go on the block this week, and Hayden already saying last night that he wants to put up Lane/Britney, looks like today's noms will be Britney/Lane.

Currently on the live feeds...

5:46pm BBT:
Feeds are on trivia! It's nominations time!! :D

7:07pm BBT:
Feeds are back.

Nominated for Eviction are:

Britney & Lane

(Confirmed by keys in the Memory Wall.)

The HG's are wondering if tonight will be the nightime POV because they're on inside lockdown. (**Yep! Around 12am BBT. :))

7:21pm BBT:
HG's are in the kitchen talking about today's luxury comp.

Enzo: "Yo, I might take a nap. It might be a midnight POV tonight."

Talk turns back to the luxury comp.

7:39pm BBT:
Palm Bedroom (aka Jumanji)

Enzo is saying that he can't wait to kiss his baby daughter. He misses wifey and his daughter a lot, Britney said she misses Nick. Brit said that it's so close to the end of the game and how there's comfort in knowing that they'll see their loved ones very soon.

7:44pm BBT:
HOH Room

The boys are talking about sports, then about the POV comp and the Final 3 HOH's.

Lane: "I can't wait till this sh*t is over."
Hayden: "I hope me, you and Enzo can make it to the Final 3, because that means that we have a good shot at the end."
Lane: "I do too."

BB: "Houseguests, the lockdown is over." (**Hmm...)

Lane/Hayden go outside, the backyard looks normal as usual. They're fussing with the grill.

**Okay y'all, I'm outty. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Doesn't look like there will be a nighttime POV tonight since the HG's are off of lockdown, but you never know!! See y'all in the morning! G'dnight & enjoy the live feeds!!

Stay tuned...
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