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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Early Afternoon in the BB House

Good afternoon, everyone! :D BB woke up the HG's around 11am BBT...well, most of them. Ragan is still snoozing in the Sunset Room.

Currently on the live feeds...

12:06pm BBT:

A look at the feeds...

*Hayden/Lane/Britney/Enzo are on the backyard couch.
*Ragan is sleeping in the sunset room.

12:09pm BBT:

Lane is trying to workout with the "ghetto ass weight bench" (as Lane called it lol) that BB gave them in place of their other weight bench. (Part of the punishment for Lane opening up Pandoras Box). Lane tried to put a weight on it and the weight bar nearly fell over. lol :P

12:11pm BBT:
Kitchen Area

Lane told Hayden that it'd better to keep Britney this week over Ragan because Britney would wanna take them (Hay/Lane) to Final 3. Hayden said that Enzo wants Britney out this week to make sure that Enzo/Hay/Lane are Final 3 (Enzo is worried about Lane/Brit being "together" in the game). Someone (..didn't see who because I was screencaping at the time) walked in from the backyard and their convo stopped.

12:14pm BBT:

Lane walked up to his HOH room, only to find out that BB locked him out. Lane wonders if they're doing another Pandora's Box.

12:24pm BBT:
Lane is attempting to workout.

Britney: "How much weight did you put on there?"
Lane: "Only 185..I don't trust this thing! It wobbles!" (*lol)

Talk turns to how the CBS lot is so quiet on the weekends.

Britney gets on the elliptical.
Lane: "Did you fall? When you stood up from the (backyard) couch, did you fall onto the elliptical machine?"
Britney: "Yea, I don't know how I got here. I don't like it. It's only been a minute and I don't' like it."

Hayden: "You don't like it?
Britney: "No!! It HURTS! I'm tired!"
Hayden laughs.
Britney: "It burns my legs!"

Meanwhile, inside...

Ragan looks like he's enjoying a peaceful nap.

1:04pm BBT:
Pool Table
Lane/Enzo (Brit just got called to the D.R.)

Lane and Enzo are hoping that Lane's gonna get another Pandora's Box.

Lane: "I hope it says, Open this door and 2 people get killed."
Enzo: "ANYTHING, bro! Bored in here! Take the pool table so that we can have more room to walk! This shit is on a tilt anyways."
Lane: "When I shoot pool, I aim to miss just for the fun of it."

The boys head inside.

Lane's HOH room is double locked now. Lane said that BB is fixing cameras and will be done in an hour.
Enzo: "They're f**kin' with you, yo! HOH looks like it sucks! Everyone is always up in your room...let me have the cabana room if I win HOH."
Lane: "Just set up shop in the bathroom."
Enzo: "That's it!"

They then start to make fun of the cameras that BB gives them in the HOH room.
Enzo: "You can only see hair on peoples head on the hallway who was that? Was that brown hair?"
Lane: "I just seen you walking from the kitchen to the BATHROOM! What are you doing??! You just go out and yell at them. 'Why'd you go to bed at 3 o clock at the morning???!'"
Enzo: "Why you walkin' around? What is this???"

Enzo: "I'm about to be a Have Not just so that I got somethin' to do! Give me a Head & Hemorrhoid Cream! It can be a fake head, I don't care! Give us a mannequin so that we have something to beat up! Or give us a chicken to catch! Somethin'! Give us a spear and an animal!"

Enzo is still thinking of things BB can give them to occupy their time.

Enzo: "Give us bike..with no wheels! We'll have to make wheels!"

Lane: "Or a kite..with one wing missing." (**I think they're losing it. lol)

Enzo is using nail polish to draw something on a paper towel.

Lane goes up to the HOH room, it's still locked.
Lane: "It's been like 2 hours now!"
Enzo: "They're f**kin' with you, yo!"

Ragan passes through.

1:57pm BBT:
HG's are on outside lockdown as BB fixes Lane's HOH door.

2:01pm BBT:
Lockdown is over. Lane is in his HOH room now. (No pandoras box.) All HG's (other than Lane) are still outside.

**Meet me back here on the blog at 7pm EST (4pm BBT) when I open up the chat room and then watch the show at 8pm EST tonight! See ya then! :D

(Keep refreshing...)

Stay tuned...

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