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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Julie Chen Interviews Hayden/Lane/Enzo

Happy Saturday, everybody!! :D After a 2 day break (part of the BB detox program lol), I'm back and ready to post BB12 updates!! :D

First up, we got Julie Chen's interview with Hayden, Lane and Enzo:

Next, just a heads-up, the *NEW* blog URL (for BB13) is a little different. It is:

**Of course, you can always find me every BB season by simply typing in and it'll redirect ya to the newest blog. ;)

Okay, let's see what else can I show ya guys...hmmm...oh!! How about...

In case you guys & gals haven't seen any of the Backyard Interviews, here's a few for ya:

Here's Ragan's Backyard Interivew (3 mins & 45 seconds):

And last, but not least...

If you still have the live feeds, then check out what's coming up this month:

Tonight (Saturday Sept. 18th) is the Vegas Wrap Party, so as soon as I get some pics of the party, I'll be sure to post them!!!

That's it for now!! :D Keep checking back everyday for new posted info!

Stay tuned...
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