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Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Overnighter

Good morning BB fans! :D Yesterday was a great day of lying, manipulating, and all that great stuff that makes Big Brother awesome! lol ;) Brendon, who was nominated for eviction along with Rachel, won the POV yesterday which sent the house into panic mode since Brendon was this weeks target. But as all of us BB fans know, never count your chickens before they hatch! After all, this is Big Brother and "Expect the Unexpected"!

Okie dokie, I'm gonna gather the rest of the Overnighter up for y'all, so keep on checking back!! :D

If you're using Firefox and trying to watch the feeds, they're probably not working this morning. Fear not, this is how to fix that: go to Adobe's Website and download the Flash player. It'll update your current version. After I did that, my feeds worked fine. :) (The feeds should work fine in Internet Explorer, they did for me at least.)

The Overnighter:
Since the HG's are already waking up & talking game, I'm gonna make this *very* brief. lol Annie is still the target for the POV renom (after Brendon takes himself off), Annie caught wind of her going to be backdoored and tried to give a boo-hoo sob story, seemed to work (at least for now), but time will tell. She's done alot of damage that not even a sob story could fix permanantly. You can't pull a Ronnie (from BB11) and play every side of the house and every person in it, and not think you're not gonna get caught. lol Especially when it's been umm...a whole week?? lol ;)

Starting the morning post!! :D

Stay tuned...

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