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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Waiting for the Feeds....(+HOH Spoiler)

WOW!!! What a 1st episode of BB12!! :D I don't know about y'all but that was probably one of the best first episodes I've seen in the past few seasons. I think the cast is GREAT together, alot of dynamic personalities (that are bound to clash) and it's going to be one heck of a season, I can just feel it!!

Okay, we're waiting on the live feeds to turn on (at 12am EST/11pm Central/9pm BBT), so in the meantime....

Tonight's Episode Review:

*The HOH Comp (the Hot Dog comp) was fun to watch! Kudos to the red team for thinking of the idea of leaping onto the top part of the hot dogs so that they wouldn't fall off. Good thinking! ;)

*Britney injured her knee during the comp: a medic said she should not compete (unless she felt she was fine) due to her injury, so they had to switch Britney with another teammate, which was picked by the opposite team (yellow). They picked Kristen & she did amazingly well.

*Hayden promised Matt safety if he won HOH, which he did. Now it's up to Hayden to keep his word (which if he was smart, he would since its so early in the game).

*Already, Andrew & Brendon have targets on their back. HG's are starting to think the saboteur could be either of them, thanks to Andrew volunteering to sit out the 1st HOH comp to be the mascot instead (by the way, Andrew is safe from eviction this week for being the mascot). Brendon put the target on his back when the lights went off in the BB house and he went to go get his toothbrush & toothpaste. At that same time, Andrew snuck away & grabbed a pillow, then proceeded to pull a little prank of his own by throwing it into the living room area where everyone was sitting (minus Brendon, of course).


The 1st HOH of BB12 is:


(Hayden promised Matt safety this week for letting him win HOH.)

The 1st Sabatour Strike was:
Putting a pad lock on the storage room so the HG's have to eat slop.
(This happened when BB turned off the lights, hence why the HG's think that Brendon or Andrew could be the saboteur.)

Alright, that's it for tonight's episode review! :D What do you think? Got a favorite houseguest already? Or a least favorite? Leave it in the comment section below!

Here's a current look at the live feeds:

The feeds will come on right after the West Coast premiere is over, so hang tight everybody! :D Still need the feeds? You have plenty of time to get'em!!

How to make the feeds FULL SCREEN:

Click the box next to the volume control. :)

I will start a new post as soon as the feeds come on and I get some screenshots & info for y'all. (The chat room is still open, so feel free to pop in & say hi!!)

Stay tuned...
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