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Friday, August 20, 2010

Early Evening in the BB House + Nominations

At 5:20pm BBT, the live feeds went to trivia. Time for the Nomination Ceremony!! (Feeds should be back in an hour.)

Right before the live feeds cut off, Britney went to go tell Matt that she's "thinking" of putting him as a pawn against Brendon, but BB interrupted her and told her to go to the Diary Room.

As soon as the feeds come back, I will post the spoiler below!! :D

**While we're waiting, check out this week's article from Drew the Big Brother Cynic!!

"Their Reality, Not Ours"

Nominated for Eviction:

Brendon & Enzo

6:51pm BBT:
Feeds are back!!

6:51pm BBT:
HOH Room

Britney said she pulled Matt aside and asked him if he could be a pawn and Matt said "NO!!", so she didn't nominate him.

6:52pm BBT:
Have Not's Room

The guys are in good spirits, laughing, talking. They both say they're gonna fight their butts off tomorrow during the POV Comp. Brendon said the way to "get back at them", is by staying in the house.

Hayden comes in.

Enzo: "I'm calling (Brendon) 'Brendon the Block'. (*LOL)

7:02pm BBT:

HOH Room

Britney is telling that Enzo he is 100% safe this week, no matter what. Britney said if Brendon comes off the block, she's putting up Matt and getting him out. If Matt stays, then "they" (Brit/Hayden/Lane) have a target for next week.

Britney/Enzo agree to keep it between them only. (re: putting up Matt if Brendon wins POV tomorrow.)

**Lockdown is over. The backyard is now open.

7:14pm BBT:
Pool Table
Lane/Enzo/Britney/Hayden (walking around)/Ragan (also walking around)

Lane & Enzo are playing some pool, as Britney munches on chips as she sits on the sidelines.

Britney: "Did you like how your key was first, Hayden? (BB) told me to make a statement with my key placement. I told them I don't have a statement to make."

7:27pm BBT:
Pool Table

Britney and Hayden are shooting pool. Hayden said that if Lane won HOH, her key would be the first one pulled for sure. Brit thinks Hayden's key might be first.

**Okie dokie, guys & dolls..I'm outty for the night!! I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Until, enjoy the live feeds!! :D

Stay tuned...
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