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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Evening in the BB House

Wow, what an episode! Okay, so we found out that Matt lied about his wife having a disease. One word...Wow.

In other news, it seems that the blog's new chat room was a big hit!! :D I'm so glad y'all loved it as much as I do!!

Also, at around 3:30pm BBT, BB flashed a shot of the backyard...

...and it looks as if tomorrow's HOH comp will be an endurance comp!!! :D w00t w00t!!! Now would be a GREAT time to get the feeds so that you can watch it all happen live tomorrow night right after the show ends at 9pm EST!!!

Okay, so while we were all watching the show, nothing much has happened except that Rachel & Brendon had sex...again. lol :P So with that being said, let's dive right into the Evening post. ;)

Currently on the live feeds...

7:04pm BBT:
HOH Room

The two just-had-sex love birds are talking about if person A wins HOH, who would the put up. They're running through multiple scenarios.

Brendon: "If Britney wins HOH, she'd put up Andrew & Kristen, with Kristen being the target."

7:21pm BBT:
Palm Bedroom

Ragan thinks they (the HG's) gave BB too much footage for one week, so now they're making them nap. (*lol)

Ragan: "Their Thursday show is gonna be BLOATED!"

Ragan starts talking about production.

Ragan: "This is such a strange experience...people (production) crawling in the walls..."

They start to think back about the 1st day they entered the house and how it's weird to actually know everyone now, versus everyone's first impressions.

7:25pm BBT:
All other HG's are in the Cabana Room (which really should be renamed to the Napping Room. lol)

Hayden, Lane and Britney are awake and are having random non-game convos, mostly about their lives. Hayden is currently talking about hurting his shin during football.

Hayden: "I was in a boot for 2 months."

7:45pm BBT:
Random convos continue in the Cabana Room between Kristen/Britney, and Hayden/Lane. Current topic is professional football.

**Alrighty guys & dolls, I'm out for the night! Big Brother After Dark comes on Showtime at 12am EST, so set your DVR's if you're going to bed! ;) Or you can just get the live feeds instead & watch, PLUS you'll be able to watch tomorrow's *LIVE* HOH Endurance Comp which will last for hours!! :D See y'all tomorrow morning with the Overnighter! G'dnight!

Stay tuned...

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