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Thursday, July 15, 2010

BB12: 1st Live Eviction Episode

Alright BB fans, I'm gonna head on out the door & run some errands while I have a couple of hours to do so. At 12:19pm BBT, the HOH lockdown ended and the HG's are now eating, getting ready for the live show, and cleaning up the house. The odds of Annie going home are still pretty high, unless something happens within the next couple of hours. (Hey, it is Big Brother..expect the unexpected! ;) ) But even with that said, I still highly doubt that Rachel would go home over Annie.

The Chat Room will be open tonight, so please come on in & say hi! :D (My nickname is "Babagirls"). There are two chat moderators: Sassypants & MichelleAnne, so be sure to say hello to those 2 gals as well!

*Enter the Chat Room*
(No registration required, just hop on in!!)

BB12: 1st Live Eviction Episode
Starts @ 8pm/EST on CBS

See y'all back here around 7pm EST on the blog!!

The Saboteur is:


The 1st Person Evicted from BB12 is:


Monet votes to evict...Annie
Andrew votes to evict...Annie
Lane votes to evict...Annie
Kathy votes to evict...Annie
Kristen votes to evict...Annie
Brendon votes to evict...Annie
Regan votes to evict...Annie
Enzo votes to evict...Annie
Matt votes to evict...Annie
Britney votes to evict...Annie

The HOH Comp is a Q & A (Mental Comp).

The New HOH is:


**WoW!! The live feeds are gonna be insane!! Rachel is gonna backstab all over the house!! Let the drammmaaa begin!!! ;) lol

BB will tell the HG's that they got the sabatour out, and it'll air on Sunday..which means any day between now and Sunday, the HG's will find out that Annie was the sab!! :D

Stay tuned...
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