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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Morning in the BB House

The morning in the BB house has been a slooowww one. lol Houseguests are working out, doing laundry, and laying around for the most part (so far, anyways.) There's been a lot of moments of silence on the feeds, so if it seems like I'm slow at reporting, it's because the feeds are slow with action/convos. :P The HG's said they want today to be an "off day", which means lots of laziness & very little game talk.

Alright, let's hop into the Morning report!

Currently on the live feeds...

9:28am BBT:
Backyard Couch

Matt thanks Brendon (and Rachel) for not putting him up on the block next week, and Brendon thanked him for not putting him or Rach up this week.

(**Remember, Matt made a deal with Bren/Rach that he wouldn't nominate them this week, as long as they did same for him for next week. Brendon/Rachel, however, didn't know that Matt's plan was to backdoor Brendon this week.)

Talked turned to the past HOH comp. Brendon says he doesn't respect the people that dropped out & threw the comp just so that they wouldn't be Have Not's for the week. Brendon doesn't want anyone there that's not willing to compete.

9:54am BBT:

Kathy stops Kristen at the patio door and tells her she wants to talk to her later.
A few minutes later, they end up on the backyard couch talking.

Kathy told Kristen that Rachel threw Hay/Kris under the bus by telling Britney that they are a couple. Kristen said she's not surprised. Kathy said Rachel was trying to (basically) shine the light on the 'other' couple of the house.

Kristen: "What proof does (Rachel) have?"
Kathy: "None."

Kathy told Kris to not say anything to Rach & to not call her out on it. Kristen agreed.

Kathy: "Rachel is voting for me, so it's a risk to even be telling you this."

10:58am BBT:

Backyard Couch Area

Brendon has been working out on the elliptical for 45 mins now. Hayden & Kristen have been silent for the most part.

11:23am BBT:
Backyard Couch Area

Kristen is working out. Prior to her getting on the elliptical, Enzo told Brendon that Kathy is working on votes. They both lied to each other saying that they haven't made up their minds yet as far as who to vote for.

11:28am BBT:

Brendon just told Rachel that he's going to Kathy that she doesn't have his vote because it hurts him game play if Andrew were to go home.

Brendon: "I wanna tell her the truth. I don't wanna dance around it."
Rachel: "Yeah."
Brendon: "It's like breaking up with somebody, ya just gotta do it."

Stay tuned...

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