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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Morning in the BB House

The HG's woke up at 8am BBT (while I was doing the Overnighter). There's a few things that happened that I'll cover real quick:

*8:30am BBT:
Storage Room

Rachel told Kathy that she'd take it as a personal attack if she (Kathy) won POV and took Kristen or Hayden off the block. Rachel said she didn't put Kathy up two times now, and it'd be a slap in her face if she changed the noms. Kathy asked Rach if she'd put Kathy up as a renom, Rachel said no.

*8:45am BBT:
Sunset Room

Kathy told Kristen about the convo she just had with Rachel in the storage room. Kathy told Kristen that if she (Kathy) wins POV, she *will* use it on Kristen, just to see the look on Rachel's face.

*9:00am BBT:
Storage Room

Ragan & Rachel both think that, despite what Kathy said, she'd still use the POV on Kristen & take her off. Ragan told her to not make any deals with anyone until after today's POV comp is over.

*9:18am BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel told Brendon that Kathy never agreed to not use the POV if she wins it today. (**FYI, they haven't picked the POV Comp players yet, Kathy might not even get picked to play in it.)

Rachel then spills something on the fluffy throw rug in the HOH room and she got scared that BB would get pissed at her.

9:36am BBT:

BB: "Rachel, please go to the Diary Room."

9:41am BBT:
Feeds on trivia!! Time to pick the POV Comp players! ;)

**Heads up..I might be taking most of the afternoon off today (with the exception of when the POV winner is announced). It's been a month of me working day in/day out and I need some much needed R&R. lol I'll let y'all know if/when I do! :) Just wanted to give a heads-up in case I do.

Feeds are back!!!

Playing for the Veto are:


10:08am BBT:
Palm Bedroom

Ragan: "I'm excited to play!!"

Ragan thinks it'll be a POV Comp where prizes will be involved. A trade-prizes comp, where there's trips, the Veto, and the Unitard up for grabs.

10:11am BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel is happy that Kathy wasn't picked.

Britney joins the two in the HOH room a minute later.

Rachel: "Britney, that could have not gone any better!"
Britney: "I know!!"

Rachel is telling Britney about her convo with this morning.

Britney: "She would have used it (on Kristen). She keeps saying 'I gotta get to the jury, gotta get to jury...'."

10:15am BBT:

Kristen: "If one of us doesn't come off the block, I'm going home. I mean, that's just the facts."
Ragan: "Don't cross that bridge until you come to it."
Kristen: "I know. Oh, God. I'm so nervous!"

10:17am BBT:
Kitchen/Dining Room

The boys are talking about the POV comp. They think it might start around 11:30am BBT.

10:32am BBT:
HOH Room

Rachel is telling Britney about the 2 hour convo with Kristen.

Brendon: "She said that she knew what was going on, with Andrew's speech. I was like what?? We didn't know!"

Brendon asked Ragan if he's excited to play in today's POV Comp.

Ragan: "Yea! It's my first POV."
Brendon: "And you get to play in one with prizes! I got the stocks.."
Ragan: "Yea but I could get the unitard. It tends to be only 1 thing that's bad (prize wise)'s usually letter from home, tv, veto, unitard, trip..."

10:36am BBT:
Dining Room

Hayden: "Hey (Enzo), if you win...pull me off."

Hayden leaves.

Enzo: (whispers to Lane) "He's gettin' nervous."

Enzo said that they think they get to see their movie tonight, if they're gonna put it into Sunday nights episode.

10:55am BBT:
HOH Room

The two love birds are talking about various HG's. Rachel thinks that Lane likes them both, but likes Brendon more than Rachel. They both think Hayden would/will gun for them (Rach/Bren). They didn't like how Hayden told them yesterday that he didn't want to make any deals with them.

Stay tuned...
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