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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Afternoon in the BB House

Good afternoon, fellow addicts! ;) OKay, I'm going to take the afternoon off today. I've been blogging for a month now without a day off, and's catching up to me. I'm going do some much needed relaxing & recharge my blogging battery! :D

I will be back to post the winner of the POV Comp and if anything MAJOR goes down, I will be sure to blog it! Otherwise, I'll be back tomorrow morning with the Overnighter to catch us all up on the days happenings & overnight stuff as well, so don't won't miss a thing! (As soon as the POV winner is announced, I will immediately post it here on the blog.)

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Playing for the Veto:


At 2:38pm BBT, the POV comp started.

Winner of the POV is:


Stay tuned...
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