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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Overnighter

Gooood morning, everyone! :D Hope your Wednesday is going good so far! Today on the feeds, we will see Matt take pictures with his HOH camera for an hour, then he'll go and blog about his week as HOH.

Tonight at 8pm EST, we will see the POV Comp & Veto Ceremony episode on CBS. I will open up the chat room around 7pm EST as usual, and West Coasters I will have a link to tonight's show so that you can watch it with us East Coasters. ;)

As far as voting goes this week, Andrew will be the one leaving (unless something major happens in the next 24 hours or so). Yesterday, you fans commented on this season a lot..which I LOVED!! I wanted to see where everyone's head was at, what y'all were thinking of the season in general, and who you liked/disliked as far as houseguests go. This season has started off slow, but it's also had it's few moments of good tv. I truly believe that the best is yet to be seen! ;) We also gotta remember that only 2 HG's have been evicted so far this season, it's still pretty early in the game! Tomorrow, we will get a new HOH in power and that's when the game starts all over again!! :D

Okay, let me go gather up The Overnighter! I'll be posting in sections like always, so please refresh every 20 mins or so.

9:30pm BBT:
HOH Bathroom

The two girls, which are more friend-enemies, took a bubble bath together up in the HOH bathroom. They did a lot of bashing on she thinks she's the cool chick in the house. They also think that Kristen would put Britney against Rachel if she won HOH. Rachel thinks Kristen wants all the girls out of the house so that she can be the only female left.

Britney: "If Kristen wins HOH, then..."
Rachel: "We're fu**ed!" (laughs)
Britney: "It's over."
Rachel: "If Kristen makes it to the Jury House, I'm gonna throw up."

Britney told Rachel that Andrew would come after Brendon/Rachel, unless Andrew and Brendon have a secret alliance. Rachel said she doesn't know of any alliance between the two if there is one. Rachel said that they should keep Andrew because she thinks that Andrew would vote out Kristen.

(** change? ;) That'd be 3 votes for Andrew as of right now: Britney/Rachel/Brendon.)

The (fake??) bonding between Britney/Rachel continued. Rachel told Britney that she'd throw HOH to her or Brendon is she can & told Britney she has to make sure that Kristen doesn't win it.

11:15pm BBT:
Pool Table

The boys said that they are pretty sure that Andrew/Brendon are in an alliance together. They're still firm on getting Andrew out tomorrow. After Andrew's veto ceremony speech (where he said he's gunning for Brendon), Enzo talked to Brendon and said that Brendon still wants Andrew to stay. He said it makes no sense in wanting to keep someone in the house that was so open about gunning after him (Brendon).

12:00am BBT:
HOH Room

After her bath with Rachel, Britney told Matt what Rachel said during their bath time together. She told Matt that Kristen is Rachel's target. She also told Matt that she still thinks Brendon/Rachel have a deal with Andrew.

Matt: "If you won HOH, would you still put them (Bren/Rach) up?"
Britney: "Umm..yep."

Britney then said that Rachel/Brendon are gunning after her (Brit) so if she nom'ed Bren/Rach, it'd be for the house..not her own game play, so who knows.

Britney said she thinks this week could be the 'Pick 2' mental comp & that if it is, Rachel/Brendon won't have a shot at winning because everyone would pick those 2 to go out first.

Matt: "Don't you think that "they" (BB production) wouldn't do a "Pick 2 HG's to Sit Down" mental comp, then?"

12:06am BBT:

Rachel told Ragan that "they" (Brendon/Rachel/Ragan) have to win HOH tomorrow and that if it comes down to Rachel/Ragan, she'll throw it to him.

Ragan said he thinks that only Kristen/Hayden will fight to win HOH tomorrow because everyone else thinks 'someone else will do it'.

3:40am BBT:

Ragan was talking to us feed watchers.

Ragan: "Okay live feeds, my mantra until Thursday night is that I'm playing to win..I'm not playing to be on the jury. My goal is half a million dollars. Even if I end up against (Bren/Rach) as a pawn, I can talk circles around Brendon. He's done so much damage & I'm more persuasive than he is...than he THINKS he is. Don't win, don't win, don't win. Okay before I go to bed in that shitty room, I want Thursday..Brendon or Rachel to win HOH and to put up Lane and Kristen. And if one of them win POV, I want Hayden to be the nom and Kristen to go. I think she might be one of the long term friends. I don't care which one of those 3 goes, just as long as one of them goes. Then the following week, I want whoever is remaining out of those 2, to win HOH and seek revenge and knock out Brendon or Rachel. Those would be the PERFECT 2 weeks in my book. What do you think, live feeds? I have to acknowledge the live feeds, otherwise I'm just a crazy person talking to myself. This house is both a prison and an institution.

This is gonna be a scary week! This is the week that ALL the shit hits the fan! Oh my gosh. Why the f**k did Matt tell Britney that I definitely was gonna put up Brendon or Rachel if I won HOH. the biggest gossip in the house...because he doesn't wanna be the renom if Brendon/Rachel go up, and if one of them (Brend/Rach) wins POV...which means I can't really trust Matt, as much as i thought (i could). Okay.

Last thing and I'm going to bed...if I intend to throw the HOH comp on Thursday, which I think I might, then I will wear a long sleeve shirt that is navy."

(Then the feeds switch to "We'll Be Right Back" screen..guess BB didn't like that. lol)

Okay, that's it for the Overnighter! Let's see what the rest of the day has in store for the HG's and us feed watchers! :D I'll start the morning post when the HG's are out of bed and roaming around.

Stay tuned...

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